Armor of God:Feet Shod Of Peace

Armor of God   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  26:24
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Ephesians 6:14–15 CSB
Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace.
As we get to share our study with you we are going to continue with the armor of God. The first week we talk about how the Belt of truth requires us to know what truth is. Meaning we need to know Christ who is the truth.
The next week we talk about the breastplate of righteousness we talked about to achieve righteousness you have to be willing to give everything to God and allowed him to protect your Heart just as a breastplate is made to do.
This week we are going to talk about the Feet shod’s of Peace.
The first question that come to mind is

What are Feet Shod’s?

A Feet Shod is a type of military style shoe that is worn to protect one's feet and legs.
The Romans would use these not only to protect from injury caused by thorns, spears, and arrows, but in conjunction with many nails on the bottom of the shoe to keep them from slipping- Similar to cleats (“Kleets”) or modern combat boots.
(*Perhaps omit “but in conjunction… combat boots” and simply say “The Romans would use these as protection for everything from thorns to spears and arrows”
Why is this important to us as Christians ?
As we Accept Christ in our lives the next step is to start our walk. Now as we read our bibles we know that Christ tells us on multiple occasions that our walk is going to be difficult; we might face Depression, Loneliness, Death, Illness, poverty, Persecution, and Many more things.
As Christians God gave us this piece of Armor to protect our walks. When we are walking down the street (*Maybe change to “...are walking in the desert/wilderness…”?) one of the things that we’re going to protect is our legs. It would be a lot harder to reach a destination if you’re unable to Walk.
This is the same for our walks with Christ. We have to protect our walks in order to Complete the race like Paul talks about in 2 Timothy.
2 Timothy 4:7 CSB
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
How do we do that ?
By being ready with the Gospel of Peace.
But first we have to ask, what is peace?

What is Peace?

The definition of peace is
A state of tranquility or wholeness; shalom. Also: “Nonviolence,” “Reconciliation,” “Serenity,” “Shalom,” “Spiritual Peace,” “Tranquility,” and “Truce.”
the Biblical Definition is
PEACE (שָׁלוֹם, shalom; εἰρήνη, eirēnē). A pervasive concept in the Bible that most commonly relates to a relationship of love and loyalty with God and one another.
See it is important for us to know that there is a difference . The world calls us to practice worldly peace and that will make everyone happy.
Read the biblical definition again.
It is more than a state of non nonviolence it is a relationship to God and to everyone around you.
See Before we are ready to Put this piece of the Armor on we are called to a different standard than the world we are called to pursue a relationship with God and others in the same manner we would pursue God.
When we finally understand this at that point we can put this armor piece and achieve the peace it is saying.
How do we do it?

Achieving Peace

See we are to use this Shod to protect our walk. just as Nate said we will go through hardship that is what we are told in countless time through out the bible .
It is what you do with those hardships that is what really matters.
To full equip this piece of armor we have to learn to embrace the peace that is the Gospel.
See the gospel is more than just john 3:16 . that is the introduction to the Gospel.
when you look at it Christ was all about peace .
he loved everyone
helped everyone
prayed for everyone
wasn't quick to get upset.
wasn't quick for violence
he actively pursued a relationship with every person that he encountered daily.
The best part about it that he active pursues you daily.
that is here at church , at home, at work, the park. everywhere.

The Challenge

So this comes with a challenge.
the challenge is are you ready to pursue that relationship?
Mean do you need to accept Christ
maybe you need to pursue a better relationship with members of the church here.
Maybe you need to show more support for the others here
2 Timothy 2:15 CSB
Be diligent to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.
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