Philippians 2:1-11
I. His Position v. 6
A. Eternally Pre- existent Son of God – “Being”
INC̵ARNA´TION, n. The act of clothing with flesh.
2. The act of assuming flesh, or of taking a human body and the nature of man; as the incarnation of the Son of God.
B. God in the Flesh – “Form of God”
II. His Decision – verse 7
A. He Made Himself of No Reputation – verse 7
B. He Took the Form of a Servant
C. He Humbled Himself- verse 8a
The story is told of two brothers who grew up on a farm. One went away to college, earned a law degree, and became a partner in a prominent law firm in the state capital. The other brother stayed on the family farm. One day the lawyer came and visited his brother, the farmer. He asked, “Why don’t you go out and make a name for yourself and hold your head up high in the world like me.” The brother pointed and said, “See that field of wheat over there? Look closely. Only the empty heads stand up. Those that are well filled always bow low.”
Said differently, “The branch that bears the most fruit is bent the lowest to the ground.”
III. His Passion-VS. 8
Note – His passion was for our reconciliation to God.
A. He Became Obedient –8b
The best way to know God’s will is to say “I will” to God.
To know the will of God is the greatest knowledge, to find the will of God is the greatest discovery, and to do the will of God is the greatest achievement.
—George W. Truett