What fruit are you producing?

Understanding Desires
What will we allow to dominate?—that is the question. Flesh or Spirit? So long as we are in the flesh there is going to be a conflict between flesh and Spirit, and this is what Paul is dealing with. Remember that our very existence is “flesh” insofar as we give ourselves over to the world of the flesh, serve that world, and allow ourselves to be determined by it. That means that we can never withdraw from “the flesh” in our earthly lives, but we do not have to forfeit to the flesh. We can fight against its demonic powers. We can do this by walking in the Spirit.
Desires of the Flesh
Desire of the Spirit
They are completely opposite
Works of the Flesh
Fruit of the Spirit
The first three appear to “comprise Christian habits of mind in their more general aspect,” as Lightfoot notes. Their primary direction is God-ward. The second set primarily concerns the Christian in his relationship to others and are social virtues. The last three concern the Christian as he is to be in himself.
Internalized Fruits
We may talk and write endlessly about love, but we never fully describe it, never adequately express it, nor probe the impenetrable depths of its meaning. Albert Camus put it this way: “Love is never strong enough to find the words befitting it.”
Relational Fruits
. Biblical patience is a God-exercised, or God-given, restraint in face of opposition or oppression. It is not passivity. The initiative lies with God’s love, or the Christian’s, in meeting wrong in this way. In the OT, the concept is denoted by Heb. ’ārēḵ, meaning ‘long’. God is said to be ‘long’ or ‘slow’ to anger ’erek ‘appayim- (see Ex. 34:6; Nu. 14:18; Ne. 9:17; Pss. 86:15; 103:8; 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jon. 4:2). This idea is exactly represented in the Gk. makrothymia, often translated in AV as ‘longsuffering’, and defined by Trench as ‘a long holding out of the mind’ before it gives room to anger.
How patient God is with us. He suffers long, bears with us in all our sinning and rebellion, all our apathy and unconcern. He does not draw back when we spurn His love.
Visible or modeled Fruits
Faithfulness, or fidelity, which is one meaning of the word, is a fruit of the Spirit, but is possible only because of faith—our trusting response to God in Jesus Christ. Because our faith is in God’s faithfulness we can be faithful in word and deed and reliable in our discipleship. Our response to God in faith evokes His gift of the Spirit, and the Spirit makes us faithful.