It is Time to Share your Testimony

Redeeming the Time  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:35
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By telling your story, you help people to know that God’s power is real, that God’s Word is true and that the course of their lives can be changed toward God’s glorious destiny.

Our Theme for 2021 is “Redeeming the Time.”
We want to be aware of the significance of the time that we live in, to hear God about what to do, and to respond in a way that aligns with what God is doing.
We started by talking about the Kingdom; recognizing God’s rule and authority.
Last week we talked about the importance of obedience; actually doing what God would have us to do.
So why testimony?
If you watch the news - which for the most part I have stopped doing- you will get a completely different picture of current events depending on which channel you watch.
CNN and MSNBC are very progressive in their reporting and it isn’t difficult to see their bias.
In fact, most of the media leans left; which is why when a hundred thousand people gathered on the national mall back in September, we hardly saw a hint of it on TV or in the papers.
Now, we also have some conservative channels, if you have cable TV, which most people do.
It used to be FOX News, but they got dumped on election day for playing along with the mainstream narrative and many of their viewers went to Newsmax or OAN.
The point of saying all of this is that we have different reporters who are telling us different stories based on which parts of the story they chose to include or not.
It’s called having a narrative. You decide how you think the story is going to go and you highlight the parts which fit your preferred ending.
The problem with that is instead of reporting the story, at some point you actually end up influencing events and actually creating the story that you wanted all along.
Decades of news reporting have led many, or perhaps even most, reporters in our day to decide that this is the true purpose of their job; they are not just bearing witness to events, but they are shaping history by how they choose to tell those events.
According to the Bible, all of us are reporters.
We all tell the story of life as we have experienced it.
Now the Bible also warns against giving a false report.
Leaving things out, especially important things, is just like telling a lie.
The story that we tell will become history, so it important that we tell the whole story so that future generations will know the truth of what happened.
The Biblical writers were aware that they were witnesses to some of the most profound events in history.
Their testimony would ensure that generations to come would know the truth about Jesus.
Your testimony is also important.
By telling your story, you help people to know that God’s power is real, that God’s Word is true and that the course of their lives can be changed toward God’s glorious destiny.

Your Testimony is your story.

1 John 1:1–2 ESV
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us—
Say it the way you see it.
I love this passage in 1 John because he is just telling the story the way he experienced it.
John lived longer than any of the other Apostles.
By the time he wrote this, perhaps people were starting to wonder if Jesus was a myth or a legend.
John says, “No, Jesus is real! I saw Him with my own eyes, I spent time with Him. I have touched Him with my own hands.”
Jesus was not a ghost or a vision, He is a real person who lived, died and was raised from the dead.
How do we know? We have the testimony of those who were with Him.
A testimony is a statement for the purpose of establishing and recording truth. Testimonies or witnesses that do otherwise are false. This reality plays out in divine or human court. - “Testimony” Lexham Theological Wordbook
Testimony is important in the Scripture because truth is at stake.
Your testimony is real.
We were doing Agape in Big Flats, N.Y. and stayed over for Church Service. There we greeted Ed who had a large tumor on side of his neck. At home Monday a.m. God spoke to me and said, “I want you to go back to Big Flats and pray for Ed that man with a tumor.” First thought, I never did anything like this before, Lord.” In obedience to the Lord we went back up to N.Y. to pray for Ed. Nothing happened right then, but a yr. later, we were invited back to have a meal at his home with family. We saw first hand in what God indeed had done. Tumor was completely healed. P.T.L. Glory to our God. Thank you Jesus. Before this time, I would have been afraid to step out of my comfort zone. Several yrs. later God ask me to go to Maryland to do something very similar.
No one can argue with your testimony, even if they find it hard to believe.
People can try to explain or interpret your experiences, but they cannot dismiss what actually happened.
What is more is the impact that the experience had on you.
One of the greatest arguments for the truth of Jesus Christ is the impact that He had on His disciples.
They were mostly uneducated, but became extraordinarily influential.
They were doing the things that Jesus did; healing the sick and casting out demons.
Most of all, they were all willing to give their lives rather than deny the testimony of Jesus.
We calls them Martyrs; the word itself means to be a witness - to give testimony.
But do you have to die to be a witness?
Witnessing does not have to be difficult.
Today, I had the rare chance to go to breakfast to read the Bible alone without the distractions of daily life.  I was reading of Paul, testifying before Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa.  I also read of how he said in Ephesians that it was the grace of God that gave him the mission of sharing Christ’s amazing love with the Gentiles, and finally, how Jesus shared the parable of the man whose unpayable debt was forgiven.  God reminded me of the power of the gospel, even when shared by people with impure motives.  And, all of a sudden, the Spirit said to share Christ with my waitress.  Fear took hold of my heart, but I knew I had to obey.  Thinking of how to do this without being awkward, I wrote her a note and told her I had done so.  While I will not know the effects of my obedience this side of glory, I know that the remorse for NOT sharing Christ with this dear woman will not follow me for years to come.
Witnessing for Christ is still part of our Christian faith and tradition.
We know we are supposed to share Christ with people, but it can be so hard.
No you don’t have to die to be a witness, but for many of us it feel like dying.
Probably because we think of those who laid their lives down because of their faith.
What are we so afraid of, rejection?
What if we didn’t think about what might happen?
What if we just have natural conversations about what we have seen and experienced?
What if we tell the story of how our life has been changed?
They can do with it what they want, but you have been a faithful witness.
I’m going to give you some tools to do that, but first let’s talk theology.

Your story is part of history (His Story).

Revelation 12:10–11 ESV
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. 11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
You don’t need to know theology to be a witness, but you probably already do.
Whenever you talk about God, you are practicing theology.
Theos- God + Logos - word, idea, communication.
Don’t say you don’t know theology if you can talk about God.
The Bible is also a story, a narrative.
It has a beginning, a climax and though the end hasn’t happened yet, part of it have already been written.
What you interpret as the main parts of the story are in fact your theology.
It means you have a view as to what is the essential plot and where is this story going.
Believe it or not your story fits in as well.
Because all of history is His Story.
The Bible tells you how the story goes and you begin to see yourself in the story.
What God did for anyone in the Bible, He can do for you.
We will be closing on our home on Friday..a year and a half ago we found a place that we knew would be our felt right. It was, at the time , out of our reach. We had barley a quarter of what we needed for down money or closing. We knew to attain this meant discipline and obedience to God. We went from paying bills first and then tithing to paying our tithes and then paying the the Bible says, bring the FIRST fruits into the store house. In doing so our money has gone further than we ever expected. We managed to keep 2 cars with over 170,000 miles on the road and got our credit scores repaired by paying down debt ..and saved enough for closing and a down payment. We truly believe it was our sacrifice and obedience to our savior that got us where we are today. We give him all the glory !
If Jesus can multiply five loaves and two fish because someone was generous enough to give, He can multiply whatever you offer to Him.
You will find that Jesus is at the center of the story of the Bible and He is at the center of your story too.
What difference does Jesus make in your life?
Every story has a plot, and every plot has a climax.
The climax of history is the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our whole calendar revolves around this point in history.
Even people who don’t call themselves Christians recognize that Jesus is unique in all of history.
Everything leading up to the time of Christ shows the decline of humanity.
After Jesus ascended, the gospel spread throughout the whole world and continues to this day.
So what is the gospel?
The Greek word from which we get “evangelism” literally means “good news.”
It’s the turning point in the story - the climax - if you will.
In the beginning God makes a perfect world, but gives people a choice.
Mankind is fallen and even though God intervenes at some times and in some ways, there is no permanent solution for the problem of sin.
Jesus enters the picture as God become man, dies and is raised again to life.
Now the penalty for sin is paid, authority to rule is given back to man.
There’s a lot of ups and down’s along the way, but the gospel is spreading and the church is victorious!
When you have passed the test you will have a testimony!
My friend Pastor Mark Jayakumar likes to say this and it’s true.
You might think that you don’t have a great testimony.
But everyone has tests, right?
When you pass the test, you have a testimony!
I was an active alcoholic with cirrhosis. I stopped drinking. My health has improved with good results from my tests & my mental health has also improved. I had before me the choice of life or death. I chose life for mine & my family's sake. My wife is now a much happier woman.
Last week I talked about obedience to God and these stories are all from people who obeyed God and their life was changed because of it.
Testimony follows obedience - when you obey God change happens and that is your testimony.

Your story can change someone else’s story.

1 John 1:3–4 ESV
3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.
Write your testimony.
The best way to connect with people is through your story.
If you ever intend to share your faith with someone you should prepare to share your story.
The problem is that we don’t prepare and then we either don’t do it or we never get to the good part.
In my book on Believer’s Baptism, I give a format for writing out your testimony.
What was you life like before you committed your life to Christ?
How did you come to the decision? What did you do, say or pray?
What has your life been like after coming to Christ? How has your life changed?
If you haven’t already, try writing out your testimony. It doesn’t have to be long.
In fact, shorter is better. You should memorize it and be able to say it in less than five minutes.
That’s less than 750 words or two and a half pages.
Actually, you should try to get it under one minute in case you ever have to share it in a elevator or with your waitress who is busy.
That would be less than 150 words or a half page.
Practice sharing the gospel.
Have you thought about what to say if a person is interested in hearing more?
There are lot’s of good ways to present the gospel.
A popular one is the bridge illustration.
You can draw it on a napkin or even use a stick in the dirt.
Draw two edges - Here you are and here is God?
Sin separates us from God - How do you get to God?
You can try various religions - Five pillars of Islam, Eight-fold path of Buddhism, 613 laws of Judaism.
None of these gets us to God because none of them deals with the problem of sin.
Do you think good works will get you to God? You can never be good enough! (draw a line that doesn’t quite reach.)
There is only one way, Jesus, because He took your sin on Himself at the cross and made the way for you to have a relationship with God.
The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will be sharing your faith.
If people ask questions, tell them you will help them look for the answers.
If they want to argue. Let them talk as long as you feel safe. But realize that someone, somewhere probably hurt them and its not about you.
Offer to pray for them. People like prayer, even if they aren’t sure what they believe.
Create opportunities.
In his book Training 4 trainers, Ying Kai makes the point that you can never predict with any certainty who is ready to receive Christ and who is not.
He shares some stories and you probably will too, of people who you might have thought the least likely to respond favorably to the gospel and yet they were ripe for the picking!
Unless you try, you will never know.
My wife Karie loves to initiate conversations about faith.
She will offer to pray for the waitress.
She lets people know that she is a Christian by her decorations, what she wears or even just coming right out and saying it.
I’m not so much like that, but I still have conversations with people who initiate the conversation with me.
Whenever I hear someone say they are hurting or in need, that’s an opportunity.
When people talk bad about Christians or church, I let them know that I’m one of “those people” too.
I find that people have a certain stereotype of Christians, I like to break the mold and blow their minds. ( I think Jesus did too!)

Action steps:

Write out your testimony.
Practice sharing the gospel.
Look for an opportunity this week!
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