The Temptation of Jesus
These temptations are amazingly relevant for American Christianity. Satan skips over adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, murder—those temptations are too obvious. Those are the games that sub-devils play with weak saints. Jesus is no fall guy. When Satan means business with a strong saint, he sticks with religion and he makes the Bible his textbook. See if this doesn’t sound contemporary. “If you are a child of God, why are you living like a pauper? If you are a child of the king, why don’t you live like a prince? The children of the king don’t eat casseroles, they eat steak. The children of the king don’t drive second-hand clunkers, they drive new cars. The children of the king don’t shop at Rag Stock, they shop on the Mall. The children of the king don’t throw their lives away in Liberia or Cameroon or Ecuador or Japan, living on a shoestring, building no reserves. If you are a child of the king, claim your blessings. God has promised to send his angels to make you healthy, wealthy, and prosperous. Throw yourself into these blessings. The best testimony you can be to your status as an heir of God is to be wealthy and have the best of everything.”