God, Is or Is not?
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Know What Matters
Know What Matters
Evidential Apologetics or Core Thing : Evidence that deals with things in reality of Christian Faith: God, Bible, Jesus
1) Existence of God as a core thing because without existence of God the rest of the conversation becomes either theory or pointless
2) Is the person open or closed to this idea ?
3) Convincing a person of the existence of God does not save. A theist (person who believes in God) and atheist (person who denies existence of God) are still missing salvation in Jesus.
3) Nobody can know God, without God making himself known by Holy Spirit(John 16:13)
4) There is no perfect answer to God’s existence but we can give reason why we believe in God’s existence based upon Tools.
Know Your Tools
Know Your Tools
Tools: They do not prove or create something but help to build proof.
Philosophy and Science are useful tools in existence of God
Steve Lee Video: Examining the Evidence for Christianity
Three Arguments G.O.D
G. Good and Evil or Moral Argument
Premise 1: If God doesn’t exist...Objective Moral Values Don’t Exist
Premise 2: Objective Moral Values Do Exists…God does exist.
Moral Values are both
Objective: True whether you believe or behave by it or not
Subjective: Changes by time or place.
Society and people can’t make it wrong since they are subjective
Objective morals do exist, subjective can’t be source because grounded in person, only person left over is God.
O. Origins of the Universe or Cosmological Argument
Premise 1: Whatever Begins to Exist must have a cause
Premise 2: The universe has a beginning so the universe must have a cause.
No examples of something coming out of nothing
Universe has a beginning.
Two Reasons we can believe universe has a beginning:
Impossibility of infinite past moments, infinite = you can’t complete
If universe was infinite you have to cross all infinity, universe to be crossed means it is finite
Scientific Evidence: Universe has a beginning, it is accepted not debated.
Everything that has a Beginning has a cause. Universe does have a beginning.
The Cause of the Universe is beyond Space, Time, Matter, and Energy.
All of these came into existence at the Beginning so the cause of universe is beyond space, time, matter, and energy.
God’s attributes are all beyond space, time, matter, and energy.
D. Design of the Universe or Fine Tuning Argument
Premise 1: Fine tuning for life in the universe is either due to chance or design
Premise 2: Highly improbable it’s due to chance it’s due to design
Pocket watches have watch makers, is universe more or less complex then that watch?
Universe needs over 100 conditions to sustain life, some are so detailed that if it was off by a fraction it would be unable to sustain life.
Chance doesn’t create detail but design does.
Three Arguments that Bible makes about God
God as the Cause of everything: Exodus 3:14 and Revelation 1:8
God as Incomprehensible: Job 11:7 and Is 40:18
God as Knowable: John 14:7 and John 17:3
Know Your Self
Know Your Self
Your job is not to convince people, but offer reasons you believe.
Where is your story grounded?
If it’s found in your parents, in your friends, in going to church, or just because none of these are good arguments or reasons.
It’s alright to realize you need to learn and grow more:
What kind of evidence is sufficient?
For example: If you claim to love your parents or friends, do they have to prove their love to you every moment of every day before you will believe they love you? Is that really love?
Do we do the same to God? Demand he fit our every box before we give him permission to exist. If you are successfully able to control God’s existence, did you actually find God or your version of ‘god’?
Let’s look more:
J. Warner Wallace - Quick Shots on youtube: “Is there Really No Evidence for God’s Existence?” (short video)
Book: Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace
Nabeel Qureshi - Can We Know if God is real? (long video)
Dr William Lane Craig: Reasonable Faith
Read the Bible verses in Handout.