Quizzing Notes Matthew 20
v. 1-16
v. 1-16
Here is seems that Jesus goes against what he said in the previous section. The disciples in v. 27 were worried about the state of their reward. “What will there be for us?” if the RYR only lacked giving everything away, then the disciples should be in good shape (and maybe in line to receive some sweet rewards!)
It seems like Jesus says that this is the case. Matthew 19:29 that they will receive a hundred times what was given up. Does this mean that there are different and coordinating rewards for what we have given up? Not quite.
Jesus continues through the chapter break and tells a parable: everyone works, everyone gets paid, but there is not different rewards based on how long they have worked. What does this mean? Those who think they are first will feel like they are last, and those who are last will feel like they are first. (Matt 20:16)
Grace is generous. So much so, that those who think they ave earned it will be frustrated, but those who know they haven’t earned it are blessed.
“Do you really want nothing but totally effective, instantaneous justice? Then go to hell.”
V. 17-28
V. 17-28
Jesus then clearly predicts his death and somehow the disciples don’t understand this. We see this because the mother of two of the disciples pulls a total mom move: she asks for her boys to receive special treatment.
Jesus’ response is not what she was expecting:
1) you don’t know what you are asking for because I am not who you think I am. I am going to drink from the cup of God’s wrath! and
2) Jesus has relinquished some authority until after the resurrection, so she is asking the wrong “person”
Jesus corrects her and the disciples understanding: following Jesus is not about running after greatness, but running after weakness as you follow Jesus’ example!
v. 29-34
v. 29-34
Jesus’ final healing miracle is an interesting one and contrasts sharply with the previous scene. We are left with some questions:
Why did Jesus stop for these men? To show that he doesn’t care much about what the crowd thinks and to prove the point of Matthew 20:28
How did these guys know who Jesus was? Word about Jesus must have been spreading and these blind men see this as their only chance!
What were they seeking? This is in contrast with the question of Matt 20:21 and the answers are dramatically different: greatness vs. healing.