SF490 - WINNING THE WAR WITH WORRY (Matthew 6 25-34)
Matthew 6:25-34
Everyone has something to worry about...
Ø The ignorant worry because they do not know enough.
Ø The smart worry because they know too much.
Ø The rich worry because they are afraid of losing what they have.
Ø The poor worry because they do not have anything.
Ø The old worry because they are facing death.
Ø The young worry because they are facing an uncertain future.
What is worry?
“Worry” = to divide, to distract, the English word comes from a German word meaning to strangle or choke.
James 1:8 “being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”
Ø Jesus is not telling us not to plan for tomorrow!
Ø We are to sow and reap - make provisions for tomorrow.
Ø Jesus is not forbidding foresight but worry.
1A. The Source of Our Worry
1B. We worry about food (6:25-26)
The logic is from the lesser to the greater.
Ø If God will care for the birds He will care for His children.
Said the robin to the sparrow, I would surely like to know;
Why these anxious human being rush around and worry so.
Said the sparrow to the Robin, I think that it must be;
That they have no heavenly Father such as watches you and me.
2B. We worry about fitness (6:27)
Ø Worry cannot lengthen your life!
3B. We worry about fashion (6:28-30)
Ø God has promised to cloth us and the proof is His provision for the flowers.
4B. We worry about the future (6:34)
Don’t pull tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine
Of the things the average person worries about...
Ø 40% never happen
Ø 30% have already happened
Ø 12% have to do with criticism
Ø 10% deal with your health
Ø 8% are real problems
“Don’t tell me that worrying doesn’t do any good, most of the things I worry about never happen”
2A. The Sinfulness of Worry
Worry is not just a weakness, it is wickedness.
1B. Worry is a sign of a lack of faith (6:30b)
Little faith means that we are mastered by our circumstances instead of mastering them.
Little faith is a failure to take scriptural statements at their face value and believe them.
Little faith is a failure to realize the implications of salvation.
Little faith is a failure to apply what we know, and claim to believe to life.
2B. Worry is a mark of worldliness (6:31a)
When we worry we act just like those who have no relationship with God.
James 4:4 “…do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”
3B. Worry is and insult to God (6:31b)
Worry is self-centered not God-centered.
We are saying we do not believe God can and will provide for our needs.
Philippians 4:19 “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Lamentations 3:22 “The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”
3A. The Solution for Worry (6:32-34)
“Two types of things we should never worry about: Those we can do something about, and those we can do nothing about!”
1B. We need a settled faith (6:32b)
A faith based on a personal relationship with God - “Your heavenly Father.” (6:8-9)
Nothing can happen to us apart from God! (Romans 8:28-39)
Ø God gives you problems to help you see how much he loves you!
Ø Each day has just enough problems to keep us close to God!
2B. We need a singular focus (6:33)
Seek “first His Kingdom”
Colossians 3:2 “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”
And “His righteousness”
Ø Seek holiness and righteousness.
Matthew 5:48 “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
“The more holy we are, the nearer we shall be to God. The more holy we are, the greater will be our faith. The more sanctified and holy we are, the great will be our assurance and therefore our claims and our reliance upon God.” (Lloyd-Jones, 144.)
3B. A surrendered future (6:34)
When we worry about tomorrow we deny God’s providence and care.
Psalm 103:14 For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust.
When we worry about tomorrow we deplete God’s power for today.
Deuteronomy 33:25 “…As your days, so shall your strength be.”
When we trust God for tomorrow we can delight in God’s provision!
Is God Your Heavenly Father?
Have you been born again?