sf505 - THE HIGHWAY TO HOPE - PART 6 -The Sacred Supper (Mar 14 22-26)
Mark 14:10-26
The Final Day
Judas plots to betray Jesus (Mark 14:10-11)
The disciples prepare for the Passover Meal (Mark 14:12-16)
Jesus goes to the Upper Room celebrates the Passover with His Disciples...
Notice the order of the Passover meal...
Ø A prayer of thanksgiving
Ø A cup of diluted wine
Ø The washing of the disciples feet (John 13:1-20)
Ø Bitter herbs dipped in sauce and eaten
Ø The traitor revealed - Judas departs (Mark 14:18-21)
Ø Sang Psalms 113-114
Ø A second cup
Ø Began eating the lamb and the unleavened bread
Ø Third cup
Ø Jesus Institutes the Lord’s Supper (Mark 14:22-25)
Ø Fourth cup and sang Psalm 115-118
This marks the end of the Passover and the beginning of the Lord’s Supper the most sacred of all Christian ordinances.
It is sacred because...
1A. Because of its Spiritual Origin (14:12)
1B. The Lord’s Supper is rooted in the Passover Event (Exodus 12:1-14)
The Passover was instituted by God (Exodus 12:1-2)
The Passover was intended for God's chosen people (Exodus 12:3)
The Passover required a spotless sacrifice (Exodus 12:5)
The Passover symbolized the Lord's salvation (Exodus 12:12‑13)
The Passover was to be a commemorative meal (Exodus 12:14)
2B. The Lord’s Supper replaces the Passover Event
1 Corinthians 5:7 Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.
1B. The Bread (14:22)
The bread was unleavened.
Ø Reminds us of the sinless-ness of our Lord
Exodus 12:5 'Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats.
Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
The bread was broken.
Ø Reminds us of Christ's physical suffering.
Ø The scriptures tell that He suffered so that He was not recognizable as a human being.
Ø History tells us that crucifixion was considered the most horrible form of death. It was reserved for only the worst of criminals.
Ø In fact, no Roman citizen could suffer crucifixion no matter what his crime. The prophet Isaiah tells why Jesus suffered this horrible death.
Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
The bread reminds us of Christ's suffering for us. Indeed, he took our place.
2B. The Blood (14:23-24)
The grape juice reminds us of the sacrificial nature of Christ's death. Just as the grapes were crushed in order to yield their juice so too was our Savior crushed and His blood spilt.
His blood brings remission for our sins
Hebrews 9:22 And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
His blood brings reconciliation for the sinner.
Hebrews 9:14 how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?
2 Corinthians 5:18-19 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
His blood insures our redemption.
Colossians 1:13-14 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
1 Corinthians 6:20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
3B. The Bride (14:25)
The supper speaks of the promise of His coming.
Ø The promise of the Supper is that the sacrificed Savior is alive and will return in glory and power.
Acts 1:11 …Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.
The supper presents the prophecy of His Kingdom.
Ø The prophecy is that the next time Jesus will bless the cup and share it with us will be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
1 Corinthians 11:26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.
Revelation 19:9 Then he said to me, Write: 'Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!...
Look at the people at the first supper:
A traitor
A denier
Several cowards
A Savior
Which best describes you?
APPLICATION (1 Corinthians 11:27-30)
A Caution against Carelessness (11:27)
Careless about our relationship - salvation
Careless about our discipleship - baptism
Careless about our fellowship - daily walk
A Cure for Carelessness (11:28)
Ø Self examination, literally to put yourself to the test; to see what you are made of. This can be a painful process.
Test your relationship.
Test your discipleship.
Test your fellowship.
Ø The question is not are you worthy to receive the Lord's Supper.
Ø None of are worthy in ourselves for we are all sinners saved by grace.
Ø The question is: “Are you prepared to partake in the Supper in a worthy manner.”
Mark 14:10-26
1A. Because of its ____________________ Origin (14:17)
1B. The Lord’s Supper is rooted in the ________________ Event (Exodus 12)
The Passover was instituted by God (Exodus 12:1-2)
The Passover was intended for God's _______________ people (Exodus 12:3)
The Passover required a spotless sacrifice (Exodus 12:5)
The Passover symbolized the Lord's salvation (Exodus 12:12‑13)
The Passover was to be a commemorative meal (Exodus 12:14)
2B. The Lord’s Supper replaces the Passover Event (1 Corinthians 5:7)
2A. Because of its Symbolic Purpose
1B. The ______________________ (14:22)
The bread was ___________________________.
Ø Reminds us of the sinless-ness of our Lord (Exodus 12:5; Hebrews 4:15)
The bread was __________________________.
Ø Reminds us of Christ's physical suffering.
Ø The scriptures tell that He suffered so that He was not recognizable as a human being.
Ø History tells us that crucifixion was considered the most horrible form of death. It was reserved for only the worst of criminals. In fact, no Roman citizen could suffer crucifixion no matter what his crime.
Ø The prophet Isaiah tells why Jesus suffered this horrible death. (Isaiah 53:5)
2B. The Blood (14:23-24)
The grape juice reminds us of the sacrificial nature of Christ's death. Just as the grapes were crushed in order to yield their juice so too was our Savior crushed and His blood spilt.
His blood brings ______________________ for our sins (Hebrews 9:22)
His blood brings reconciliation for the sinner. (Hebrews 9:14)
His blood insures our ____________________________. (Colossians 1:14; 1 Corinthians 6:20)
3B. The __________________________ (14:25)
The supper speaks of the promise of His coming.
Ø The promise of the Supper is that the sacrificed Savior is alive and will return in glory and power. (Acts 1:11)
The supper presents the prophecy of His Kingdom.
Ø The prophecy is that the next time Jesus will bless the cup and share it with us will be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (1 Corinthians 11:26; Revelation 19:9)