Equip Junior Church
I need some help with my maths today
Who’s good at fractions?
I need you all to get 8 post-it notes or peices of paper and a pen/pencil - Go
In this verse I’m going to read - there are 8 things that Paul who wrote the verse talks about as being 1
Who can count?
Can you count to 1 for us?
So - I’ll read the verse and you need to write - or ask your mum or dada to write each word on a peice of paper.
Don’t worry - I;ll read it and then tell you what the 7 words are...
Eph 4v4 There is one body and one Spirit. You were appointed to one hope when you were chosen. There is one Lord, one faith and one baptism. 6 There is one God and Father of all.
Pile them up after you have written each one… body at the bottom, God at the top.
These are all things that the bible says are one!
Not 2 or three - and more importantly, not less than one.
So take the last peice of paper that has nothing on it.
And put a big 1 on it!
Everyone can do that.
Now, tear a bit off - and throw the little piece away
Is the peice of paper still 1 whole peice?
If you’re a bit older and understand fractions, then you might be able to work out roughly what fraction you have left!
No- it’s not 1 - it’s a fraction of 1.
It’s not comeplet - it’s missing something,
Now look at your pile of paper
the top one should say God.
Can you take a bit of God away and would he still be God?
Could you take his love away?
His perfeection?
His Holiness?
No - he is one.
What’s the next peice say -
Spirit - can you take away from the Spirit?
No - He is one
What about Hope?
Do we have lots of Hopes as Chirstians?
No - Just one - that we will live with Jesus forever!
One Lord - Jesus - we can’t take a bit away from him -
ONe Faith - There is no other way to KNow God - only one faith in Jesus,
can’t take away anything from This Faith we Have - otherwise it’s no faith,
One Baptism - Baptism into Jesus - reminding us he died for us, and rose to life.
You can’t take anaythign away from that.
SO - What does the last sheet say...
You might rememebr last week
we talked about the people of God - Christians - you and me here - being the body.
We belong to the Body - we also use the word church,
Sometimes we might think we are on our own,
or even that we don’t need other Christians,
but how many bodies are there?
Just one!
That’s amazing!
Can we tear a peioce of the one body and still have one body?
So we should celebrate that just like there is only One God and One Lord.
So we are One body the church.
We are never alone - and we should never try to be alone from the church -
Otherwise something is wrong - we’re fractions, or fractured, or factions!
And we are one so that we can help each other be more like Jesus.
And to help us - Jesus gives us GIfts
Eph 4v7 But each one of us has received a gift of grace. These gifts are given to us by Christ.
Jesus love his people - his one church so much that he gives us all gifts.
As you grow up, you will discover what Jesus has made you good at - and what gift he has given you to love the rest of the one body.
Maybe it is music,
putting out chairs,
going to be a missionary,
So many ways to be ONE body.
Perhpas you can think of some ways to love the body already?
Part of what we do as a church is Equip - help each other to use our gifts to serve and love the one body.
That’s what the adults will be thinking about in their sermon later.
BUt for us, for now -
we can know that we grow up belonging to the one body - the church.
We’re not on our own and Jesus will give us gifts to love each other!
Choose one of those peices of Paper to pray now about it.