Journeying together (Devotion)
heard a story about a guy who applied for a job as an usher at a theater in the mall. As a part of the interview process, the manager asked him, "What would you do in case a fire breaks out?"
The young guy answered, "Don’t worry about me. I can get out fine."
That’s exactly how many in today’s world respond to a lost and dying world around them. If you asked them "What would you do if Jesus came back tomorrow?" they would probably respond, "Oh, don’t worry about me. I’d be fine."
But what is all to easy to forget is that you’re an usher! It isn’t enough just to get out yourself. You are responsible for helping others know the way.
This is not Phillip the Apostle, this is Phillip the Evangelist who was chosen in ACT's 6 to serve As one of the first Deacons
Evangelism isn't just for the pastors, friends!
Phillip comes across a Ethiopian Eunich
Eunchs were men who had been castrated at a young age, so they were easily identifible by their lack of hair, high pitched voices, most were also never married and had no kids- in a world of many family relationships they were loners
• a foreigner
• an African
• a eunuch (castrated male)
• a rich person
• a member of a royal court
• a literate person (most people in those days did not read including most of Jesus' disciples)
• a person of faith
Phillip made himself availible
Sharing Jesus was not an idea to him, it was an active part of his life
Many times we say that we would share our faith, but do we pursue opportunities to do so?
When the Holy Spirit spoke to Phillip, he responded
Phillip then made the journey
When Phillip saw an opportunity to share wit the Eunich- he dove in
There is a difference in TELLING someone about Jesus and TEACHinG someone about Jesus. The USA has plenty of the first, but not so much of the second
Teaching someone about Jesus takes time, effort, vulnerability, and faith