I Can See Clearly Now
John has written his gospel to show us that Jesus is the Son of God and that we might have life through him. Just as Jesus healed the man born blind two thousand years ago, he heals our blindness today.
Why was this man born blind?
Jesus heals the man born blind
As in many cultures, in ancient Israel spitting on a person expressed extreme contempt or disapproval (cf. Nu. 12:14). Job complained that he had fallen into such disrepute that he had become the object of spitting (Job 17:6; 30:10). Isa. 50:6 foretold that those who scorned the Servant of the Lord would beat him, pull out his beard, and spit in his face. The Gospels record that people at Jesus’ trial and crucifixion spat on Him (Mt. 26:67; 27:30; Mk. 14:65; 15:19; cf. 10:34; Lk. 18:32). Hebrew law stipulated that if a man refused to marry his brother’s widow (see HUSBAND’S BROTHER), she was to spit in his face in the presence of the elders as an expression of the community’s strong disapproval (Dt. 25:9).