The Door Keeper
Jesus’ Concern For His People: The Good Shepherd
John 6-10
(Some things to consider)
1. Chapter Six, Jesus feed His Sheep
• What did the feeding of the 5 thousand accomplish? (1-14)
• What was the significance of Jesus walking on the water and the boat immediately arriving at the land they were going? (6:15-25)
• Why was the crowd seeking Jesus and why could they not understand His declaration “I am the bread of life?” (6:26-58)
• Why did many disciples quit following Jesus? (6:59-66)
2. Chapter Seven, Jesus teaches His Sheep
• V. 5 “For not even His brothers believed in Him.” – Some can be close to Jesus and still not really believe. (7:1-9)
• V.17, If a person wants to know if God’s Word is true what must he do? (7:10-24)
• Do you know anyone who is uncertain about who Jesus really is? (7:25-36)
• Why could the temple police not arrest Jesus? (7:37-53)
3. Chapter Eight, Jesus Teaches His Sheep the Importance of Forgiveness.
• “Neither do I condemn you.” What meaning do these words convey, to the woman, to ourselves? (8:1-11)
• “My judgment is true!” What did Jesus mean when He spoke those words? (8:12-20)
• “You will die in your sins.” Jesus repeated this statement three times in these verses 22 and 24. According to Jesus, why would a person die in their sins? (8:21-29)
• “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” What truth was Jesus speaking of and what does it have to do with freedom? (8:30-47)
• “When you do not honor the Son, you do not honor the Father.” Why did the Jews want to stone Jesus in verse 59? (8:48-59)
4. Chapter Nine, The Shepherd heals His Sheep.
• “His disciples questioned Him: ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’” (V. 2) Is sin to blame for all our problems? (9:1-12)
• Why did the Pharisees not want to believe the healed blind man’s testimony? (9:13-34)
• What was the greatest healing the blind man received? (9:35-41)
5. Chapter 10, The Good Shepherd
• Why did Jesus compare Himself as a Good shepherd? What other Bible characters are known as shepherds? (10:1-21)
• Once again the Jews want to stone Jesus, what is their reason for this incident? (10:22-42)
• Why can the Jews not recognize that Jesus is the Messiah? (Chapter 10)