1 Timothy 3:8‑13
The first deacons were appointed to assist to the apostles.
Deacon means servant; one that stirs up dust while serving tables.
Diakoneo; verb meaning “serve, wait on; care for, see after, provide for; serve as a deacon” (Matthew 20:28; Matthew 27:55-56; 1 Timothy 3:10, 13)[1]
Diakonia noun meaning “ministry, service; contribution, help, support; mission; perhaps office of deacon or authority (Romans 12.7; Ephesians 3:7).[2]
Diakonos = noun meaning “servant; helper, minister; deacon; deaconess” (Romans 16.1).[3]
Ø General meaning is a servant-minister.
Ø When used to refer to the office it is always plural (Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3).
What is the NT description of a deacon?
Ø The New Testament Deacon and His Character
Ø The New Testament Deacon and His Convictions
Ø The New Testament Deacon and His Calling
1A. The New Testament Deacon and His Character (1 Timothy 3:8)
1B. Serious about his service (3:8a)
"Reverent, (Men of dignity, semos);" has an intense conviction of the seriousness of life.
Ø They are serious from standpoint of activity in service. An intense conviction of the seriousness of life; these men take their responsibilities seriously.
2B. Sincere in his word (3:8b)
“Not double‑tongued (dilogos);" does not tell tales from house to house; not a gossip; you can depend on what he says.
3B. Sober in his thinking (3:8c)
"Not given (addicted, prosecho) to much wine," describes a person who sits long with the cup and thus drinks to excess. Deacons should be clear headed.
Romans 14:21 “It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles.”
Ø Based on Romans 14:21 I am convinced that deacons should abstain from the use of intoxicating beverages or drugs.
4B. Honest in his ways (3:8d)
"Not greedy for money (Not fond of sordid gain)" ‑ has a spiritual attitude toward money. He should be generous, a tither, someone who handles God’s money well.
2A. The New Testament Deacon and His Convictions (1 Timothy 3:9-12)
1B. Sound in his doctrine (3:9)
He must love the Word (9a)
Ø A deacon that does not know the Word of God cannot serve the Church of God.
He must live the Word (9b)
Ø A deacon that does not live the Word of God, but has a "defiled conscience.”
2B. Proven in his lifestyle (3:10)
An untested Christian is an unprepared Christian
"Tested (dokimazo);" a general verdict of the community concerning his life style.
“Blameless (Beyond reproach, anegkletos);” cannot be called to account, unreprovable.
3B. Exemplary in his home life (3:11-12)
A godly husband with a godly wife (3:11-12a)
Ø She is to participate and contribute to his ministry. She must share his convictions...
“reverent,” has an intense conviction of the seriousness of life.
“not slanderers (malicious gossips)” not false accusers, not devils.
“temperate” ‑ self‑control; serious attitude; value; supporting
“faithful in all things” ‑ virtue of trustworthiness.
Ø He is to be morally pure and faithful in his marriage.
There must be nothing in his life that would call into question his morality.
Therefore I am convinced that a deacon must not be divorced.
A godly father (3:12b)
Ø It is clear that a man's ability to manage his own marriage and home indicate ability to serve God’s church.
3A. The New Testament Deacon and His Calling (Acts 6:1-7)
1B. Deacons are called to promote peace within the church. (Acts 6:1)
2B. Deacons are called to assist the elders in the service of the church. (Acts 6:2, 4)
In the local church today, Deacons relieve the elders and pastor of other tasks so that they may concentrate on the ministry of the Word, prayer, and spiritual oversight of God’s people.
3B. Deacons are called to be godly men. (6:3, 5)
“good reputation” – public life
“full of the Holy Spirit” – personal life
“full of … wisdom” – ability to lead and serve
4B. Deacons are called to provide physical ministry for the church. (Acts 6:2).
5B. Deacons are called to promote the growth of the church. (Acts 6:7)
In order to be a deacon a man must be...
Called - Not elected or promoted
Convictions - Be willing to stand for and do right even when it is not popular
Character - In a world where character is hard to find
Chosen - Chosen by the church to serve the church
Caring - Must desire to serve God’s people
Our church constitution
Deacons shall care for the temporal needs of members, attend to the accommodations for public worship, oversee the financial activities and properties of the church, and encourage and support those able to help others and those with gifts of administration.
Our deacon covenant
Having read and understood the biblical qualifications of a deacon, I believe that the Lord has graciously gifted and called me to serve His church as a deacon. Having read and understood the constitutional requirements of Three Rivers Grace Community Church for a deacon, I believe that the Lord has called me to serve as a deacon in this congregation. Therefore, being led by our Lord to serve as a deacon, I promise to care for the temporal needs of members, attend to the accommodations for public worship, oversee the financial activities and properties of the church, and encourage and support those able to help others and those with gifts of administration.
1 Timothy 3:8‑13
1A. The New Testament Deacon and His _____________________________ (1 Timothy 3:8)
1B. ____________________ about his service (3:8a)
"Reverent, (Men of dignity, semos);" has an intense conviction of the seriousness of life.
2B. Sincere in his word (3:8b)
“Not double‑tongued (dilogos);" does not tell tales from house to house; not a gossip; you can depend on what he says.
3B. ______________________ in his thinking (3:8c)
"Not given (addicted, prosecho) to much wine," describes a person who sits long with the cup and thus drinks to excess. Deacons should be clear headed.
Romans 14:21
4B. Honest in his ways (3:8d)
"Not greedy for money (fond of sordid gain" ‑ has a spiritual attitude toward money. He should be generous, a tither, someone who handles God’s money well.
2A. The New Testament Deacon and His Convictions (1 Timothy 3:9-12)
1B. _______________________ in his doctrine (3:9)
He must love the Word (9a)
He must live the Word (9b)
2B. ______________________ in his lifestyle (3:10)
"Tested (dokimazo);" a general verdict of the community concerning his life style.
“Blameless, (Beyond reproach, anegkletos);” cannot be called to account, unreprovable.
3B. Exemplary in his home life (3:11-12)
A godly husband with a godly wife (3:11-12a)
Ø She is to participate and contribute to his ministry. She must share his convictions...
Ø He is to be morally pure and faithful in his marriage.
A godly father (3:12b)
3A. The New Testament Deacon and His Calling (Acts 6:1-7)
1B. Deacons are called to promote peace within the church. (Acts 6:1)
2B. Deacons are called to assist the elders in the service of the church. (Acts 6:2, 4)
3B. Deacons are called to be godly men. (6:3, 5)
“good reputation” – public life
“full of the Holy Spirit” – personal life
“full of … wisdom” – ability to lead and serve
4B. Deacons are called to provide physical ministry for the church. (Acts 6:2).
5B. Deacons are called to promote the growth of the church. (Acts 6:7)
[1] Barclay-Newman Greek Dictionary, BibleWorks, 2000.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.