Armor Of God: Helmet Of Salvation

Helm of Salvation
Helm of Salvation
The helm of Salvation is one of my favorite pieces of the Armor of God but in the other hand it is one of the most gut checking pieces that is out there.
this is an armor piece that is going to make you really have to think about what have you been doing with your life.
See this armor is a go and do but can turn in to a what heck are you doing first.
But before we can get into it we need to first look at the helm itself what is the helm and what does it represent.
The Helm
The Helm
what is a helm
it is a helmet that protects of the head of a soldiers from arrows swords axes and so on.
This is something that relates to us as Christians so much. See God gave us this helm in order to protect our heads. more importantly our minds.
See in today world we see that everything is against Christians or there are people out there that tries to change Christianity for us to be more accommodating to the what the world thinks that matter. (Homosexuality)
God gave us this piece of armor to protect our minds when this starts to happen.
It start but understanding our salvation.
Understanding Salvation
Understanding Salvation
Do you fully understand what your salvation is to you?
We as Christian have lost sight of this we are called to go to and share the gospel of Christ and explain to everyone about the salvation that you have recieved but do you actually know about your salvation.
First thing to understand about salvation is that it is a free gift for everyone. We all make mistakes in the world we live in. We all sin and fall short to the glory of God. but for this to happen you have to accept that it is a free Gift it doesn't cost anything.
see we have lost this we say well it cant be free or i do not deserve it when is reality it is free.
The second thing that we have to know to understand our salvation is that we can not take it for granted / be ashamed of it.
What good is having a free gift that you would never use . this is so important .
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.
If you are ashamed of the power of salvation then you are ashamed of the power of that God has.
God has commanded us to go
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
WE cannot take it for grant and hide something that we get to enjoy so freely . think about your friends so you love them? what about your family?
if you answer is no for your friends maybe it is time to find new friends. by if the answer is yes for your friends and family the question becomes do you really want them to go to hell over something that is free to have.
It starts with us not taking it for granted.
We need to out there sharing the gospel in everything that we do. our lives need to reflect that we deserve the gift from God that was given to us so freely.
What about you?
What about you?
It is time to ask the question of what have you done with your salvation? have you took it for granted? do you even have it?
Close your eyes
Think about it have you done everything for Christ or have you been lacking just keep your eyes close.
Think about it what is it you need to do ?
do you need to fix your relationship with God?
Do you need to Share more of that free Salvation with someone
now is the time to spend with God. Your eyes are close no one else can see you now is the time to let go of what it is in your life that is holding you back.