SF594 - WHY TRY (1 Thessalonians 4 1-12)
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
CBT: Christians who stand firm please God and win the respect of others.
TA: To help young adults commit themselves to stand firm.
Create Interest
Jake Newton died recently. At one time, Jake was an avowed atheist. He despised Christians but vented his hostility most on a local minister. He persecuted the pastor constantly by writing threatening letters to him. He even vandalized the pastor’s home.
One day Jake found out that he had cancer and only a short time to live. The situation was tragic because Jake had no one to care for him.
Knowing that Jake was alone and dying the pastor moved Jake into his home and cared for him. The witness of this family finally brought Jake to Christ.
Would you have done what the pastor and his family did?
1A. SAYS WHO? (1-2)
What They were to do...(1a)
“Live in order to please God...”
How They were of do it...(1b)
“More and more..”
Why They were to do it... (2)
God expects us not only to not do some things He also commands us to do some things!
Pair off as couples - Answer the Following...
1. What guidelines does Paul give for sexual purity?
We should be sanctified
Avoid sexual immorality
Control our bodies
Not wrong our brother in the matter of sexual relationships
2. What reasons are given for Christians to remain sexually pure?
It is God’s will
The Lord will judge the sexually impure
God did not call us to be impure
3. What gift has God given to help us live a holy life?
The Holy Spirit
Paul’s Commendation (9)
Paul’s Commandment (10)
How can you express, demonstrate your love for your mate today - Write it down - share? - Do!
4A. A WINNING LIFE (11-12)
How does leading a quiet life relate to standing firm my faith?
How does minding my own business relate to standing firm in my faith?
How does working with my hands relate to standing firm in my faith?
What one thing can you do to demonstrate to reality of your faith to an unbeliever?
Write down their name - Write down your deed.