SF604 - THE LAST THINGS ( Revelation 22 6-21 16-17)
Revelation 22:6-21; 16-17
These are God’s Final Words to Mankind!
These are significant Words
We often save the most important statements until the End...
John calls us to focus on...
The Faithful Word of God
The Finished Work of Christ
The Final Witness of the Spirit...
1B. The Accuracy of the Word of God (6)
“Trustworthy and true” = faithful, unfailing...
(2 Timothy 3:16) "All Scripture is God‑breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"
2B. The Authority of the Word of God (7-9)
The promise of the Word (7)
The power of the Word (8)
“Fell down...”
The purpose of the Word (9)
“Worship God!”
3B. The Accessibility of the Word of God (10)
Daniel was instructed to seal up his prophecy (Daniel 12:4-9)
John is instructed to leave it open
(Romans 10:8) "But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming:"
It is the Word of God that makes the difference in our Lives...
Old Farmer to Young Pastor - Pine Branch Torch, It will see you Home. So will God’s Word!
1B. Demands our Decision (11)
The cross is the dividing line of history
Illustrated by the two theives.
Decision determines character and character determines destiny!
2B. Determines our Destiny (12-15)
For those who receive Him (12-14)
The promise of His coming sustains them (12-13)
The provision of His cross secures them (14)
For those who reject Him (15)
They will be aware of all that they missed - Rich Man and Lazerus
3B. Demonstrates God’s Sovereignity (16)
“Root” = Jesus preceeded David
“Offspring” = proceeded from David
“Morning Star” = announces dawns arrival
A young man did not want to serve in Napoleon Bonaparte's army. When he was drafted, a friend volunteered to go in his place. The substitution was made, and some time later the surrogate was killed in battle.
The same young man was, through a clerical error, drafted again. "You can't take me" he told the startled officers. "I'm dead. I died on the battlefield."
They argued that they could see him standing right in front of them, but he insisted they look on the roll to find the record of his death. Sure enough, there on the roll was the man's name, with another name written beside it.
The case finally went to the emperor himself. After examining the evidence, Napoleon said, "Through a surrogate, this man has not only fought, but has died in his country's service. No man can die more than once, therefore the law has no claim on him."
1B. The Last Proposition (17)
This is a saving proposition
(John 6:37) "All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."
This is a simple proposition
(Romans 10:13) ..."Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.""
2B. The Last Prohibition (18-19)
Closes the canon (18)
Cautions the critic (19)
3B. The Last Proclamation (20a)
“Yes, I am coming soon.”
4B. The Last Prayer (20b - 21)
Can you join John in his Prayer?
Are you ready to meet the Savior?
Have you responded the His Proposition?