The Preeminence of Jesus (Part 2)
Who is YOUR King?!?
The Preeminence of Jesus!
Matthew 17:24-27 [Part 2]
Purpose of the Temple Tax:
• provide a ransom for souls
• provide resources for sacrificial worship
Christ’s preeminence:
1. As God, He knows all about me!
2. As God’s Son, He is tax-exempt.
3. As my Savior, He makes me . . .(v. 27b; cf. Jn. 1:12f.; 8:36; 1 Pet. 1:18; 1 Jn. 3:1)
• Free from the ___________________________.
• Free from the ___________________________.
• Free from the ___________________________.
• Free from the ___________________________.
4. As God’s servant, He voluntarily . . . (v. 27a; cf. 18:6; 20:28; Gal. 5:13; 1 Pet. 2:16)
5. As my Lord, He invites me . . . (v. 27c; cf. 4:19; Jn. 20:21b; 2 Cor. 5:18-19)
Our response: