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This is a passage that many, including non-believers, use to keep from hearing there sins from someone else;
However, these verse are regularly used out of context and for ammunition to shut people up;
So with that let’s look at the word judge;

The Greek verb used here, krinō, denotes the idea of expressing a negative opinion about someone.

When we judge people, especially behind there back - which is another sermon for another day - most often it is about the negative in their lives;
So how do you look at the negative in your life, do you use Sister Betty Lou Better Than You’s glasses;
But what does verse 2’s warning mean - Jesus is warning that the way you “judge” is the way God will “judge” you;
God will apply your standard of judgment to you
Now this does not mean we are to just let people stay in their sin - this means you need to clean your house before talking about someone else’s dirty house;
Matthew 18:15-20

Irrelevant (Small)

How many of us are guilty of seeing the smallest fault in someones life;
Here Jesus talks about the “speck in your brother’s eye”;
Now first and foremost the “brother” that He is referring to in this passage is a fellow believer;
in the CSB Study Bible is says;

Those who correct the minor faults of others without attending to their own more serious faults are hypocrites. Believers do have a responsibility to help one another repent of sins but only after first dealing with their own serious sins.

Dr. Wiersbe says this in his commentary;

What Christ is condemning is harsh judgment and unjust criticism of others’ motives.

What is your reason for looking so finite at others?


As people we are really good detectives - we can sniff out even the smallest hint of a sin - at least on someone else;
Now do not get me wrong - if God called something a sin it is a sin and as a Bible believing church we must not condone sin;
But what is sin - a simple answer is anything that takes you away from God;
But what are some of the things God calls out as sin;
If your taking note write down Romans 1:20-32 for an example
A 2007 Barna Group study showed that 85 percent of people who reject Christianity cite hypocrisy as the reason. (Ministry Pass)
Folks the “church” is messy - why because we are people are messy;
The “church” is good about calling out sin while not always looking within;
The “church” has hurt more people than the “church” realizes and the sad part is sometimes they realize it but don’t care and shift the blame to the individual;
Now the world is full of hypocrites and it does not stop people in the world from associating with them;
The thing is people expect better of the “church” so we need to deliver - how by cleaning up our house.
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