The Influence of the Kingdom Citizen
I. Be Salt in a World of Decay
A. Don’t lose your purity.
B. Don’t lose your usefulness.
At a meeting some young people were discussing the text, “Ye are the salt of the earth.” One suggestion after another was made as to the meaning of “salt” in this verse.
“Salt imparts a desirable flavor,” said one.
“Salt preserves from decay,” another suggested.
Then a Chinese Christian girl spoke out of an experience none of the others had. “Salt creates thirst,” she said, and there was a sudden hush in the room. Everyone was thinking: Have I ever made anyone thirsty for the Lord Jesus Christ?
II. Be Light to a World in Darkness
You know how it is with yourselves. It is like when a housewife cleans her room; she looks, and there is no dust. The air is clear, and all her furniture is shining brightly. But there is a chink in the window shutter, a ray of light creeps in, and you see the dust dancing up and down, thousands of grains, in the sunbeam. It is all over the room the same, but she can see it only where the sunbeam comes.
It is just so with us. God sends a ray of divine light into the heart, and then we see how vile and full of iniquity it is.259
A. Learn from the example of light on a hill.
B. Learn from the example of light in a house.
1. Does fear of man keep you from shining brightly for Jesus among the nations?
2. Does pride keep you from shining brightly for Jesus among the nations?
3. Does sin keep you from shining brightly for Jesus among the nations?
4. Does comfort keep you from shining brightly for Jesus among the nations?
5. Does peer pressure keep you from shining brightly for Jesus among the nations?
6. Do parental expectations keep you from shining brightly for Jesus among the nations?
7. Do your ambitions and agendas keep you from shining brightly for Jesus among the nations?
Both metaphors of salt and light raise important questions about Christian involvement in society regarding all forms of separatism or withdrawal. We are not called to control secular power structures; neither are we promised that we can Christianize the legislation and values of the world. But we must remain active preservative agents, indeed irritants, in calling the world to heed God’s standards. We dare not form isolated Christian enclaves to which the world pays no attention