HOW TO Pass The Tests of Life
Developing a Faith That Works
James 1:2-6 - April 13, 1997 a.m.
Tim MCGhee
1B. Problems are ______________ (2a)
"whenever" -- count on it, you're going to have problems.
2B. Problems are _______________. (2b)
"...whenever you face problems ..." The word "face" in Greek is "peripipto". It literally means "to fall into unexpectedly"
3B. Problems are _______________ (2c)
The word in the Greek for "many kinds" is literally "multi colored
Two types of trials…
4B. Problems have a _____________ (3-4)
Problems ________ my faith. (3a)
Problems _______ our patience. (3b)
Problems ________ my character. (4)
1B. Rejoice (2)
We don't rejoice _____ the problem, we rejoice ___ the problem.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus."
You praise God because trials are the _______ of a blessing!
Praising God is a _______ you make!
Psalm 34:1 "I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
2B. Request (5)
What do you pray ______?
Don't ask "_____?", ask "_______?".
3B. Relax (6a)
Trust God to know ____________________
The devil wants to use problems to ____ you.
Nothing comes into your life without the Heavenly Father's ______________.
God says there will be a _____________. (12)
HOW TO Pass The Tests of Life
Developing a Faith That Works
James 1:2-6
James is the most practical book in the New Testament.
Ø It is the "How to" manual for the Christian life.
You Think You Have Problems…
From Strange and Unusual Events of 1982 from the Encyclopedia Britanicia Yearbook:
Brian Hise had more than his share of bad luck in July. His apartment in Provo, Utah became flooded from a broken pipe in the upstairs apartment. The manager told him to go out and rent a water vacuum. That's when he discovered that his car had a flat tire. He changed it and went inside again and called a friend for help. From the electric shock he got from the phone, he inadvertently ripped the instrument from the wall. Before he could leave the apartment a second time a neighbor had to kick the door down because water damage had jammed it tight. While all of this was going on, someone stole Hise's car. But it was almost out of gas so he found the car a few blocks away, but had to push it to a gas station where he filled up the tank. That evening Hise attended a military ceremony at his university. He injured himself severely when he somehow sat on his bayonet which had been tossed in the front seat of the car. Doctors were able to stitch up the wound but no one was able to resuscitate four of Hise's canaries who were crushed to death from falling plaster. After Hise slipped on the wet carpet and badly injured his tailbone, he said he began to wonder if "God wanted me dead but kept missing."
1B. Problems are Inevitable (2a)
"whenever" -- count on it, you're going to have problems.
Jesus said "In the world you will have tribulation."
Peter said, "Don't be surprised when you have problems."
Count on it. Problems are not an elective in life.
2B. Problems are Unexpected. (2b)
"...whenever you face problems ..." The word "face" in Greek is "peripipto". It literally means "to fall into unexpectedly"
Ø It is the same word used in the story of the Good Samaritan where the man fell among thieves -- it was unexpected.
Trials are not planned.
Ø That's what makes a problem a problem. Often it's inconvenient when you fall into it suddenly.
3B. Problems are Unpredictable (2c)
The word in the Greek for "many kinds" is literally "multi colored
Two types of trials…
Ø Sent by God to cause you to stand.
Ø Sent by Satan to cause you to stumble.
One is for our maturity, one for our misery
4B. Problems have a Purpose (3-4)
1C. Problems purify my faith. (3a)
Ø He uses the word "testing", as in testing gold and silver.
Job said "He has tested me through the refining fire and I have come out as pure gold."
Ø Christians are a lot like tea bags. You don't know what's inside of them until you drop them in hot water.
2C. Problems fortify our patience. (3b)
"...the testing of your faith develops perseverance."
Ø He's talking about staying power. Not a passive patience, but staying power, endurance.
Ø The Greek here is literally "the ability to stand under pressure." How does God teach you patience? God teaches you patience in traffic jams, in grocery lines, the waiting periods of life.
3C. Problems sanctify my character. (4)
Ø They make me like Jesus. They help me mature.
Ø God's number one purpose in your life is to make you like Jesus Christ.
Ø God is much more interested in building my character than in making me comfortable.
When you are feeling discouraged, feeling a little blue; look at an oak and see what a nut
What does God use to mature us?
Ø Through the word of God.
(John 17:17 NCV) "Make them ready for your service through your truth; your teaching is truth."
Ø Through the circumstances of life.
(Romans 8:28-29 NIV) "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. {29} For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers."
Ø How does God teach us? By putting us in the exact opposite situation.
1B. Rejoice (2)
He's not saying "Fake it.
He's also not talking about masochism.
We don't rejoice for the problem, we rejoice in the problem.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks for this ..."
You praise God because trials are the prelude of a blessing!
Praising God is a choice you make!
Psalm 34:1 "I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
2B. Request (5)
What do you pray for?
Ø Wisdom!
Ø So you will not waste this opportunity to grow!
Ø If you don't learn it this time there will be one more lap around the desert
Don't ask "Why?", ask "What?".
Ø The Why is to purify your faith, fortify your patience, sanctify your character.
Ø But ask "What do You want to teach me in this problem, Lord? What do You want me to learn? What characteristics can I develop?"
3B. Relax (6a)
Trust God to know what's best for your life
Satan wants to use problems to defeat you.
God wants to use problems to develop you!
Nothing comes into your life without the Heavenly Father's permission.
God says there will be a reward. (12)
(James 1:12 NIV) "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
Got a Problem?
Who Does Not?
The Question is… Will you be the Victim or the Victor?
With Christ you can become "more than Conquerors!"