Exodus 17 (2)
An interesting study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life revealed that 14 percent of people raised Catholic and 13 percent of people raised Protestant abandon the faith of their childhood.
At the other extreme, over 50 percent of people raised in “staunchly atheistic or agnostic households” have abandoned the non-faith of their childhood.
This Hebrew name means “my God is help.” While 4:20 hinted that Moses had at least two sons, only Gershom has been named until now.
God is angered by the reaction of the people to this crisis. By virtue of their complaints they are asking, “Is the LORD among us or not?” (v. 7b). After witnessing the plagues, the crossing of the sea, the sweetening of the water at Marah, the provision of food, and the ever-present cloud, how could it be that God is not with them? “To whom much has been given, much is required.” There is no excuse, from God’s perspective, for this breach of faith.