SF724 - Deacon and Wife, A Ministry Team (Acts 18 1-4)
Acts 18:1-4
Mentioned predominately only in Acts 18
Mentioned briefly in Romans 16:3; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19
They were a ministry team - model for deacon and wives ministry…
1A. They stayed together as a Team!
They are never mentioned separately
2A. They stood together for their Beliefs (2)
They had been expelled from Rome because of their beliefs.
3A. They served together in the Church
They supported God’s man (2-3)
Ø Helped Paul find work
Ø Worked with Paul
They followed God’s leadership (18-19)
Ø They were willing to change in order to follow God
Ø They continued in the ministry God lead them to.
They protected God’s Church (24-28)
Ø They headed off false doctrine
Ø They headed off a possible division.
7:00 - 7:45 Meal
7:45 Welcome/Prayer John
7:55 Message Tim
8:15 Dismiss