All Creatures of Our God & King
Worship: More Than a Song • Sermon • Submitted
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· 10 viewsWhen we worship, we join with a creation-wide chorus. From the hosts of heaven to the smallest physical particle in existence, all creatures praise our God and King. This should both bring us to humility and give us a sense of how big of a universe we enter when we enter into worship.
The beauty of the natural world
Niagara Falls, Yucatan cenote, Open Ocean, Diamond-head on Oahu, Potomac in Virginia, The Mediterranean, Canadian west coast, West Texas Sunset
There almost seems to be something transcendent in all that beauty. What if there is?
St. Francis and his “Canticle of the Sun”
Series Summary - Worship
I Surrender All (Ro. 11&12)
Doxology (Pslam 145)
We are one of many voices of an eternal praise choir.
Text: Psalm 148
Text: Psalm 148
The Psalm is highly structured:
Praise repeated throughout
v. 1 & 7 - Praise the Lord from...
v. 5 & 13 - Let them praise the name of the Lord… for… (6 & 14) and
Structure indicative of an ordered and purposeful Creation.
Even the order of God’s Creation serves to worship Him.
Breaking the Psalm into 2 halves: Heavens and Earth
The Heavens (1-6)
The Psalmist starts at the highest of heights and works his way down… Heavens, angels, sun & moon & stars, waters above.
Many of these things can be seen as praiseworthy themselves and are often elevated to god-like status. Yet, they bow their knee to God, their Creator, in praise.
How do they praise:
angels & hosts
sun, moon, and stars
highest heavens, waters above
v. 5 - He commanded them and they were created.
Even the most glorious things we know of point the glory of someone greater.
The Earth (7-14)
The Psalmist starts in the depths and works his way up… sea creatures & deeps, fire & hail & snow & mist & stormy wind, mountains & hills, fruit trees & cedars, beasts & livestock, creeping things & flying birds, kings & peoples & princes & rulers, young men & maidens & old men & children.
How do they praise:
Sea creatures and deeps (special note about the ocean)
Fire, hail, snow, mist, and wind
Mountains and hills
Fruit trees and cedars
Beasts and livestock
Creeping things and flying birds
Kings, peoples, princes, and rulers
Young men, maidens, old men, and children
From the magnificent to the commonplace, Creation glorifies its Creator.
God’s people (v. 14)
A horn of strength
His people are near to him
We are both a part of creation… Francis’ Brother Sun and Sister Moon
And set apart from creation… the image of God, a friend of Jesus
You are the lead vocalist in God’s eternal praise choir.
How do we Praise Him?
Do what you were made to do.
Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples