In September 2019, many media outlets announced that the famous televangelist Pr. Benny Hinn had renounced the Prosperity Theology ideology, after decades of involvement with several movements connected with it.
Pr. Benny said in an interview: “I want to be known for preaching salvation, I am correcting my theology.”
La Teología de la Prosperidad empezó al final del siglo 19 (1880), se hizo muy conocida en los años 1950 después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y ganó todavía más popularidad en los años 1980 con muchos televangelistas y sus programas de televisión y eventos en sus mega iglesias. La Teología de la Prosperidad predica basicamente que si tu eres un Cristiano, tienes que tener - necesariamente, dinero Y salud.
The Prosperity Theology started in the end of the 19th century and became very well known in the 1950’s after the Second World War and also gained even more popularity in the 1980’s with several televangelists and their shows and megachurches and events. PT preaches basically that if you are a Christian, you must, necessarily, to have money and health;
In the midst of great controversy, many megachurches today in North America (and also in the whole world) are PT churches;
For the reason of not being relevant right now, I will not quote the leaders of those megachurches involved with the PT;
But what is the real truth about prosperity?
I chose this theme because we are living in times of doubts and desperation for many, where people are dying, hopeless and in search for answers, and somehow some institutions take advantage of this situation, misleading and deceiving many;
I want to be very clear that the biblical prosperity has nothing (or maybe very, very few things) to do with the PT we see today.
Because of that, before anything we need to “deconstruct” 6 myths about prosperity:
Because of that, before anything we need to “deconstruct” 6 myths about prosperity:
Helped his nephew Lot (kidnapped) without receiving nothing;
Offered Lot the chance for better land;
Bought a place to bury his wife Sarah for a lot of money.
Had lots of money but never put his heart in it, treated everyone with dignity and honor. He was a righteous man.
(The other side of the coin). The real problem is when ambition takes the place of God.
There is nothing wrong with a frugal and simple life, in fact, it brings peace for many people.
The classic mistake of Phil 4.13:
Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece.
When the apostle Paul said that, the context was to be able to live in abundance or in lack, but in all things, (in all those circumstances), to have the Lord to strengthen him.
Jesus talked about the example of the poor widow: more than everybody!!
He also said to the Church in Smyrna:
»‘Yo conozco tus obras, tu tribulación, tu pobreza (aunque eres rico) y la blasfemia de los que dicen ser judíos y no lo son, sino que son sinagoga de Satanás.
A big lie from the Devil.
But... why those things happen??
The answer is: holy water from the Jordan River, the miracle rock from the Judean desert, the sanctified handkerchief, etc. “No money, no blessing!!”
For those churches, money is the main FOCUS!
God is not the Genie in a bottle (or Genie of the Lamp) to jump from His throne and attend our demands every time we please. That’s a VERY SERIOUS DEVIATION of Prosperity Theology. God is the sovereign Lord of the Universe and He will do what pleases Him. Period.
Jesus understood that issue and criticized this kind of attitude:
Jesus understood that issue and criticized this kind of attitude:
Y hallándolo al otro lado del mar, le preguntaron:
—Rabí, ¿cuándo llegaste acá?
Respondió Jesús y les dijo:
—De cierto, de cierto os digo que me buscáis, no porque habéis visto las señales, sino porque comisteis el pan y os saciasteis. Trabajad, no por la comida que perece, sino por la comida que permanece para vida eterna, la cual os dará el Hijo del hombre, porque a este señaló Dios, el Padre.
So, what is the real prosperity??
So, what is the real prosperity??
Prosperity is a biblical teaching but needs to be understood under the light of the Scriptures, without any adulteration.
Prosperity is a biblical teaching but needs to be understood under the light of the Scriptures, without any adulteration.
(There are many, many passages we could use, but this one contains the nucleus of the teaching about prosperity):
como está escrito: «El que recogió mucho no tuvo más y el que poco, no tuvo menos».
Repetir Tema
Repetir Tema
Today, we will study 5 Principles to understand Prosperity extracted in the Word of God:
Today, we will study 5 Principles to understand Prosperity extracted in the Word of God:
The principle:
Todo éxito en esta vida es consecuencia de esfuerzo y dedicación. Dios estableció y respeta la ley de la siembra y cosecha.
Todo éxito en esta vida es consecuencia de esfuerzo y dedicación. Dios estableció y respeta la ley de la siembra y cosecha.
Garden of Eden: “From the sweat of your face...”, but even BEFORE THAT, Adam already worked.
It’s also important to remember that most people who understood the principles of prosperity know that harvest does NOT comes from night to morning: it demands planning, time, discipline and intelligence.
King Solomon knew this principle and wrote:
Echa tu pan sobre las aguas;
después de muchos días lo hallarás.
The “Canaan” Concept: “the land is a gift, but you will have to work it!
The principle:
Si no puedes controlar tu consumismo, el te va a consumir.
Si no puedes controlar tu consumismo, el te va a consumir.
Unnecessary to say that we live in a consumerist and materialistic society. The last iPhone, the last model of cars, the nicest homes, the brand clothes, etc.
This week the news showed a rapper who decided to “implant” a $24 million dollar diamond on his forehead!!
Meanwhile, the Lord teaches us about “our daily bread.”
And still talking about being a consumerist...
Jesus and budgets:
¿Quién de vosotros, queriendo edificar una torre, no se sienta primero y calcula los gastos, a ver si tiene lo que necesita para acabarla? No sea que, después que haya puesto el cimiento, no pueda acabarla y todos los que lo vean comiencen a hacer burla de él,
North America has to understand that “consuming” does not mean prosperity automatically, and VALUE OTHER THINGS AS WELL:
Illustration - Libanes mao de vaca no leito de morte
Um libanês estava moribundo em seu leito de morte. Quase não conseguia articular as palavras e sua visão já não mais funcionava. Ele se sentia extremamente fraco e percebeu que iria morrer. A sua volta, sua mulher e seus filhos velavam por ele. Definhando, ele começou a chamar pelos filhos, mal conseguindo falar ou se mover: - Mirna! - Estou aqui, papai. - Samir! - Estou aqui, papai. - Bechara! - Estou aqui, papai. - Adma! - Estou aqui, papai. - Salim! - Estou aqui, papai. Por fim ele deu um suspiro e chamou pela esposa: - Mintaha! - Estou aqui, querido! O libanês levantou-se num pulo, retirando o cobertor de cima dele e deu um grito desesperado: - Hara! SE TODOS ESTAO AQUI, quem ficou tomando conta do loja????!!!
The principle:
El contentamiento es la clave para paz interior.
El contentamiento es la clave para paz interior.
We are a generation of comparisons and discontentment.
Pr. Rick Warren says that “the neighbors grass may be always greener but his water bill is also higher”
Pr. Rick Warren says that “the neighbors grass may be always greener but his water bill is also higher”
King Solomon had everything, including all that money could buy, but he said it was not enough. Basically, what he was saying was: money cannot make you happy! He wrote:
No negué a mis ojos ninguna cosa que desearan, ni privé a mi corazón de placer alguno, porque mi corazón se gozaba de todo lo que hacía. Esta fue la recompensa de todas mis fatigas.
Miré luego todas las obras de mis manos y el trabajo que me tomé para hacerlas; y he aquí, todo es vanidad y aflicción de espíritu, y sin provecho debajo del sol.
Pero gran ganancia es la piedad acompañada de contentamiento, porque nada hemos traído a este mundo y, sin duda, nada podremos sacar. Así que, teniendo sustento y abrigo, estemos ya satisfechos; pero los que quieren enriquecerse caen en tentación y lazo, y en muchas codicias necias y dañosas que hunden a los hombres en destrucción y perdición, porque raíz de todos los males es el amor al dinero, el cual codiciando algunos, se extraviaron de la fe y fueron atormentados con muchos dolores.
How about those in church who are not rich or healthy??
How about those in church who are not rich or healthy??
Kate Bowler, author who wrote an excellent book “Blessed”, about Prosperity Theology, said that during her 10 years of research to write the book, she watched would go to megachurches or events and watch two kinds of aisles of people: those really excited about all the good things going on on their healthy and wealthy lives, and the other aisle with sick, sometimes wheelchair people saddened because “God wouldn’t bless” them thinking: “When is it gonna happen to me??”
It’s time for us to be happy and content with the house we live in, the car we drive, the clothes we wear, and the husband you married!!!
It’s time for us to be happy and content with the house we live in, the car we drive, the clothes we wear, and the husband you married!!!
The principle:
El mayor tesoro que se puede tener son las riquezas celestiales.
El mayor tesoro que se puede tener son las riquezas celestiales.
»No os hagáis tesoros en la tierra, donde la polilla y el moho destruyen, y donde ladrones entran y hurtan; sino haceos tesoros en el cielo, donde ni la polilla ni el moho destruyen, y donde ladrones no entran ni hurtan,
A Jehová presta el que da al pobre;
el bien que ha hecho se lo devolverá.
O fazendeiro rico: “Muitos anos”; Deus: “Esta noite!!”;
O fazendeiro rico: “Muitos anos”; Deus: “Esta noite!!”;
A multimillionaire once told me: “There are only 2 kinds of people in this world: Givers and Takers, and the best choice is to be a giver.”
Perhaps when thinking about money, we should remember that History teaches us that riches and money change hands all the time, even if it takes some time.
EX.: The Vanderbilts in the Gilded Age (19th Century).
“THE BREAKERS” was the largest, most opulent house in the Newport area upon its completion in 1895. Its owner, Cornelius Vanderbilt died from a cerebral hemorrhage caused by a stroke in 1899 at age 55, leaving The Breakers to his wife Alice Vanderbilt.
The question that remains is: while The Breakers Mansion exists until today in Rhode Island, it’s owned by an institution (changed hands) and it’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but what was the Celestial Capital built by Mr. Vanderbilt??
If Celestial Capital is so important, why would God make me prosperous???
If Celestial Capital is so important, why would God make me prosperous???
Pero esto digo: El que siembra escasamente, también segará escasamente; y el que siembra generosamente, generosamente también segará. Cada uno dé como propuso en su corazón: no con tristeza ni por obligación, porque Dios ama al dador alegre. Y poderoso es Dios para hacer que abunde en vosotros toda gracia, a fin de que, teniendo siempre en todas las cosas todo lo necesario, abundéis para toda buena obra;
para que seáis ricos en todo para toda generosidad, la cual produce, por medio de nosotros, acción de gracias a Dios,
Therefore, our best investment will ALWAYS be those made in Heaven.
The principle:
Todo hombre, rico o pobre, prestará cuentas a Dios un día.
Todo hombre, rico o pobre, prestará cuentas a Dios un día.
Jesus used many parables of ACCOUNTABILITY, the whole Bible is filled with verses that show that one day we will be held accountable for the way we used the resources that the Lord put in our hands.
Let’s see some examples of accountability in the Bible:
porque es necesario que todos nosotros comparezcamos ante el tribunal de Cristo, para que cada uno reciba según lo que haya hecho mientras estaba en el cuerpo, sea bueno o sea malo.
De manera que cada uno de nosotros dará a Dios cuenta de sí.
pero ellos darán cuenta al que está preparado para juzgar a los vivos y a los muertos,
Jesus showed the severity of accountability in the Parable of the Talents, where those who were given resources and opportunities and did not take advantage of them, received heavy punishment.
Jesus showed the severity of accountability in the Parable of the Talents, where those who were given resources and opportunities and did not take advantage of them, received heavy punishment.
That’s why is so important to be faithful with our Tithes, which do not belong to us as well.
That’s why is so important to be faithful with our Tithes, which do not belong to us as well.
We must understand that we do not own anything in this life, and we will not take anything from it. In the end, what will matter is what we did with the OPPORTUNITIES were given to us as stewards of God.
Based on these 5 principles, we can have, then, a Biblical Definition of Prosperity:
“To be prosperous is to enjoy 100% of everything the Lord planned for your life.”
If we have abundantly, we should help those who have less, and not be found gathering treasures on earth, if we have less, we are not enjoying an abundant life. The correct is to use wisely 100% of what the Lord blessed us with.
The correlation of obedience to the Bible and prosperity:
The correlation of obedience to the Bible and prosperity:
Bienaventurado el varón
que no anduvo en consejo de malos,
ni estuvo en camino de pecadores,
ni en silla de escarnecedores se ha sentado,
sino que en la ley de Jehová está su delicia
y en su Ley medita de día y de noche.
Será como árbol plantado junto a corrientes de aguas,
que da su fruto en su tiempo
y su hoja no cae,
y todo lo que hace prosperará.
Nunca se apartará de tu boca este libro de la Ley, sino que de día y de noche meditarás en él, para que guardes y hagas conforme a todo lo que está escrito en él, porque entonces harás prosperar tu camino y todo te saldrá bien.
Guarda los preceptos de Jehová, tu Dios, andando en sus caminos y observando sus estatutos y mandamientos, sus decretos y sus testimonios, de la manera que está escrito en la ley de Moisés, para que prosperes en todo lo que hagas y en todo aquello que emprendas;
Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be truly prosperous without observing the commandments of the Word of God
Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be truly prosperous without observing the commandments of the Word of God
Also, the classic passage of Deuteronomy 28 shows that yes, we can enjoy the blessings of the Lord, but the main purpose of life - here and in eternity, is to enjoy the Lord of the blessings! This understanding will teach us that the life with the Lord is NOT a bargain, not a game or give and take, but a matter of relationship!
Important note:
Important note:
We cannot deny that there is a promise for the faithful ones:
We cannot deny that there is a promise for the faithful ones:
Dad y se os dará; medida buena, apretada, remecida y rebosando darán en vuestro regazo, porque con la misma medida con que medís, os volverán a medir».
Because God wants us to have an abundant life, it doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect all the time. He wants us to understand that believers have problems, believers get sick, have their frustrations and limitations and even bury their dead.
How about the poor?
How about the poor?
Pues nunca faltarán pobres en medio de la tierra; por eso yo te mando: Abrirás tu mano a tu hermano, al pobre y al menesteroso en tu tierra.
Jesus Himself also said:
A los pobres siempre los tendréis con vosotros, pero a mí no siempre me tendréis.
The poor are somehow, OUR RESPONSIBILITY, as well!
Yes, the Lord is interested in our prosperity, but not that which only fills our pockets with money and empties our souls, He plans an abundant life where we can prosper in our generation, as long as our hope is in the main thing: our eternal life.
The apostle John also summarizes prosperity very well, writing to Gaius:
The apostle John also summarizes prosperity very well, writing to Gaius:
Amado, yo deseo que tú seas prosperado en todas las cosas y que tengas salud, así como prospera tu alma.
If we apply these 5 Principles in your life (1. CAUSA Y EFECTO - 2. CONSUMO - 3. CONTENTAMIENTO - 4. CAPITAL CELESTIAL Y 5. CUENTAS), we will be able not only to live an abundant and prosperous life here on earth, but also enjoy eternity reaping the benefits of a life lived with wisdom here on earth.
Final Illustration
Final Illustration
If you have a chance, read the newspaper today!
But do not go to the Political page, because you may be disappointed with our leaders, don’t go to the Sports page, because maybe you will see that your team lost the “Libertadores Cup”, do not go to the Economy page, because you may see that the world economy is struggling because of the Coronavirus, do not turn to the Crime page, because you will be horrified with the violence...
Instead, look for the Obituaries Page! Because when you get there, you will be something fantastic, your name is NOT there!!, and you still have the chance to live a prosperous life before the Lord. There is still time, there is still a chance to renew your covenant with God.
Let’s pray.
Let’s pray.