sf802 - FROM MY HEART TO YOURS A FAMILY TALK (Psalm 142 1-7)
Psalms 142:1-7
I would like to have a heart to heart talk with you.
I really want to share my heart with you.
The past few months have been very difficult for me.
Deadlines of school
Demands at home
Distraction of my health
Disappoint with our church
Ø Disappointed with our numerical growth.
Ø Disappointed with our spiritual growth.
As a result I have slipped into a depressed almost apathetic state of mind.
It was not until the past week or so that I have been able to begin to get a grasp on where I am and what God is doing.
This Psalm summarizes much of how I have felt…
David was alone in the cave at Adullam on the run from Saul.
1A. I have complained to God about almost everything and everybody. (1-2)
Psalms 103:13 NIV 13As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
2A. I have felt fearful and friendless. (3-4)
1B. Fearful (3)
The pressures within (3a)
"grows faint; overwhelmed" = darkened
The problems without (3b)
Ø The problem without produced the problem within.
2B. Friendless (4)
No one stood with me.
Ø The right was where one would stand to guard him.
No one offered to pray with me.
3A. I have found refuge in God alone. (5-6)
Like David I am re-discovering that God was all I needed.
Indeed God is more than I needed.
4A. Tonight I am seeking the freedom that comes in surrender to God and the comfort that is found with God’s people. (7)
I long to love…
Christ with all that I am
You with as myself
I long to live…
In complete surrender to Christ daily
In full fellowship with you
I long to lead…
You to Christ
You like Christ
You forward for Christ
I long to finish…
The task our Lord has set before us
The task of reaching every person in this community for Christ!
This is my heart, but it is only MY heart. I do not, cannot know your heart. In that I must trust Christ.