Jesus and the Bible
I. The scriptures are about Jesus.(v17)
“I Find My Lord in the Book”:
I find my Lord in the Bible wherever I chance to look,
He is the theme of the Bible the center and heart of the Book;
He is the Rose of Sharon, He is the Lily fair,
Wherever I open my Bible the Lord of the Book is there.
He, at the Book’s beginning, gave to the earth its form,
He is the Ark of shelter bearing the brunt of the storm,
The Burning Bush of the desert, the budding of Aaron’s Rod,
Wherever I look in the Bible I see the Son of God.
The Ram upon Mt. Moriah, the Ladder from earth to sky,
The Scarlet Cord in the window, and the Serpent lifted high,
The smitten Rock in the desert, the Shepherd with staff and crook,
The face of my Lord I discover wherever I open the Book.
He is the Seed of the Woman, the Savior Virgin-born;
He is the Son of David, whom men rejected with scorn,
His garments of grace and of beauty the stately Aaron deck,
He is a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek.
Lord of eternal glory whom John, the Apostle saw;
Light of the golden city, Lamb without spot or flaw,
Bridegroom coming at midnight, for whom the Virgins look.
Wherever I open my Bible, I find my Lord in the Book.
II. The Word of God is perfect and endures. (v18)
[Jesus] absolutely trusted the Bible; and though there are in it things inexplicable and intricate that have puzzled me so much, I am going, not in a blind sense, but reverently, to trust the Book because of Him. (Quoted in Pache, Inspiration and Authority, 223)
III. The Bible should be both taught and obeyed. (v19)
IV. The focus of the Bible is on the heart and spirit of the law.(v20)
The “scribes” (5:20) were highly trained experts in the interpretation and application of the law. They normally began their training as children and continued their studies until formal ordination at age 40. The scribes were greatly respected by most Jews of the day. When scribes walked down the streets in their distinctive robes, others would stand in their honor, greeting them with titles like “rabbi,” “father,” or “master.” Hosts typically offered the scribes the seat of honor at banquets (23:6).
The “Pharisees” were members of a movement in Judaism that was committed to meticulous observance of the law. They particularly emphasized matters such as tithing, ritual purity, and Sabbath observance. Scribes and Pharisees belonged to two distinct groups. Serving as a scribe was a profession. The Pharisees, on the other hand, were a Jewish sect. Some scribes were Pharisees, and the Pharisees likely chose their leaders from among the scribes. The scribes and Pharisees shared in common a commitment to the study and observance of the law. (Sermon, 100–101)
The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God’s revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy. It reveals the principles by which God judges us, and therefore is, and will remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and religious opinions should be tried. All Scripture is a testimony to Christ, who is Himself the focus of divine revelation. (Baptist Faith and Message)
B. H. Carroll, the greatest man I ever knew, as he was about to die, a few days before he died, expecting me, as he wanted me, to succeed him as president of the seminary, I was in his room one day and he pulled himself up by my chair with his hands and looked me in the face. There were times when he looked like he was forty feet high. And he looked into my face and said, “My boy, on this Hill orthodoxy, the old truth, is making one of its last stands and I want to deliver to you a charge and I do it in the blood of Jesus Christ.” He said, “You will be elected president of this seminary. I want you, if there ever comes heresy in your faculty, to take it to your faculty. If they won’t hear you, take it to the trustees. If they won’t hear you take it to the conventions that appointed them. If they won’t hear you, take it to the common Baptists. They will hear you. And,” he said, “I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to keep it lashed to the old Gospel of Jesus Christ.” As long as I have influence in that institution, by the grace of God I will stand by the old Book. (227–28)