sf946 - Gods Everlasting Covenant (Genesis 17 1-27)
Genesis 17:1-27
This is not the first place we have been exposed to the idea of God’s covenant. It appeared in Genesis 6 and 9 – in the account of God’s dealing with Noah – and in Genesis 15.
The covenants of God have three features:
Ø They are unilateral
Ø They are eternal, like God.
Ø The are gracious
It has been 13 years since God has come to Abram, now God renews and adds to His covenant with Abram.
Now we see the final draft of what becomes the Abrahamic covenant
1A. How the Covenant was Received (17:1-16)
1B. The source of the promise. (17:1-3)
The promise is rooted in the person of God.
Ø Lord = Jehovah, becomes Jesus in NT
Ø Almighty God = El Shaddai; the satisfier, the one who fills the believer and makes him fruitful.
Ø God = Elohim; God in the ultimate and absolute sense.
It is an unbreakable, unchangeable, immutable, and unconditional promise!
2B. The substance of the promise. (17:4-8)
There is a principle involved. (17:4-5)
Ø The principle is the principle of grace.
Ø Seven times in this chapter God says “I will”
Ø Abram’s name is changed to Abraham; God adds the 5th letter in the Hebrew alphabet to Abram’s name. Five is the number associated with grace in the Bible.
There are a people involved. (17:7, 21)
Ø The promise is to Abraham and his descendants.
There is a period involved. (17:7)
Ø Everlasting = eternal, forever
Ø Nothing anyone could ever do will abolish this covenant.
There is a place involved. (17:8)
Ezekiel 5:5 Thus says the Lord GOD: 'This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her.
Ø Theological and spiritual center – Jesus
Ø Prophetic center and political center
3B. The seal of the promise (17:9-14)
Circumcision is given as the seal of God’s covenant with Abraham.
The implications (17:9-11)
Ø It was to be a supporting sign, a visual reminder that the covenant was in force.
Ø It was a spiritual symbol, reminding Abraham and his descendants of the weakness of the flesh to accomplish the work of God.
The implementation (17:12-13)
Ø It was to take place on the eighth day after birth; eight is the number of new beginnings.
Ø It was not intended to be an expression of saving faith on the part of the child, but of submissive faith on the part of the parent.
The importance (17:14)
Ø If a parent neglected to have a child circumcised, it was the child’s responsibility to get circumcised when he reached the age of knowledge and accountability.
4B. The spirit of the promise (17:15-16)
It was exclusive - No more Hagars!
It was ennobling
Ø Abram (father of many) became Abraham (father of a multitude)
Ø Sarai (my princess) became Sarah (a princess)
2A. How the Covenant was Believed (17:17-27)
1B. The laughter of faith (17:17)
Abraham laughed out of sheer joy (Romans 4:19-21)
Abraham fell down in absolute reverence!
2B. The logic of faith (17:18-22)
Faith is never selfish or thoughtless of others.
The plea for Ishmael (17:18)
Ø Abraham prays concerning Ishmael’s relationship with God.
The pledge for Ishmael (17:19-22)
Ø God’s choice of Isaac. (17:19, 21)
Ø God’s care for Ishmael (17:20, 22)
3B. The life of faith (17:23-27)
The life of faith is a life of obedience.
The limitless obedience (17:23-24)
Ø Parental obedience, “Abraham took Ishmael his son.”
Ø Patriarchal obedience, “Abraham took…all that were born in his house.”
Ø Positional obedience, “Abraham took… all that were bought with his money…”
Ø Personal obedience (17:24)
A limited ordinance (17:25-27)
Ø Circumcision did nothing to change the state of the rebellious man. (17:25)
Ø Circumcision did nothing the change the standing of the righteous man. (17:26-27)
Genesis 17:1-27
1A. How the Covenant was Received (17:1-16)
1B. The source of the promise. (17:1-3)
The promise is rooted in the person of God.
2B. The substance of the promise. (17:4-8)
There is a principle involved. (17:4-5)
There are a people involved. (17:7, 21)
There is a period involved. (17:7)
There is a place involved. (17:8)
Ezekiel 5:5 Thus says the Lord GOD: 'This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her.
3B. The seal of the promise (17:9-14)
The implications (17:9-11)
The implementation (17:12-13)
The importance (17:14)
4B. The spirit of the promise (17:15-16)
It was exclusive
It was ennobling
2A. How the Covenant was Believed (17:17-27)
1B. The laughter of faith (17:17)
2B. The logic of faith (17:18-22)
The plea for Ishmael (17:18)
The pledge for Ishmael (17:19-22)
3B. The life of faith (17:23-27)
The limitless obedience (17:23-24)
A limited ordinance (17:25-27)