sf947 - 1 John Overview
Author: The apostle John
Date: 90-95 AD
Purpose: To promote fellowship and to protect his readers against false doctrine.
Theme: In accordance with John’s purpose, fellowship dominates the first portion of this letter (1:5–2:27), while assurance of salvation dominates the remainder.
I. Introduction: the message of eternal life 1:1–4
II. Foundational principles 1:5–2:11
A. Principles for fellowship with God 1:5–2:2
B. Principles for knowing God 2:3–11
III. Purpose of the letter 2:12–27
A. Motivations for John to write the letter 2:12–14
B. Love of the world versus love for God 2:15–17
C. The antichrists’ denial that Jesus is the Christ 2:18–23
D. Abiding in God’s Word 2:24–27
IV. God’s righteousness 2:28–4:6
A. Righteous living and abiding in God 2:28–3:3
B. Two classes of people: the righteous and the wicked 3:4–9
C. Two families: children of God versus children of the devil 3:10–15
D. Love and obedience: an indicator of belonging to Christ 3:16–23
E. Orthodox confession: an indicator of belonging to Christ 3:24–4:6
V. God’s love 4:7–5:13
A. Love: an indicator of a relationship with God 4:7–16
B. Mature love and assurance of salvation 4:17–19
C. The relationship between love for God and love for others 4:20–5:5
D. The Father’s witness of Jesus 5:6–13
VI. Epilogue: prayer and knowledge 5:14–21
A. Assurance produces confidence and concern in prayer 5:14–17
B. Proper knowledge 5:18–21
Key Questions
1. Why does John begin his epistle by emphasizing the physical reality of Christ? (John 1:1-4)
2. What is the basic principle John teaches concerning our having fellowship with God in 1:5-2:2?
How should this impact our daily lives?
3. What does John mean by “knowing God?” (2:3-11)
How can we be certain that we “know God?”
4. What motivated John to write this letter? (2:12-14)
5. What does John teach us concerning the “love of the Father” and “the love of the world?” (2:15-17)
6. What are the identifying characteristics of the antichrists? (2:18-23)
7. Why is abiding in God’s word so important to the believer? (2:24-27)
8. What is the reward for abiding in God and His word? (2:28-3:3)
9. What distinguishes the righteous from the wicked? (3:4-9)
What does John mean by practicing righteousness?
10. What is it that John says identifies a child of God? (3:10-15)
11. How are we to demonstrate our love for God? (3:16-23)
12. What is the test of orthodoxy? (3:24-4:6)
13. In 4:7-19 John discusses the love we are to have for one another.
What is the source of our love for God and each other?
What is the proof of our love for God and each other?
14. What is the relationship between our love for God and our love for other? (4:20-5:5)
15. According to 5:6-13 how can we know with certainty that we have eternal life?
16. What gives us the confidence we need to pray? (5:14-15)
17. How are we to respond when we witness a brother sinning? (5:16-17)
18. What is it that “we know?” (5:18-21)
[1] Nelson Study Bible