Who Does Your Life Say That Jesus Is?

The Gospel of John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Does your life match who you say Jesus is?



Integrity is important, and it is hard to find. Perhaps our own lack of integrity is easier to find than any shred of integrity. Let me explain.
We can be easily persuaded about a lot of things. The things we learned as children are being erased all around us. I graduated from Shawnee Mission North High School in the KC area. Our mascot was the Indians. PC culture has convinced the Shawnee Mission School Board to remove the name "Indians" as our mascot. Someone said to the effect, "What we've learned now is that all the history we learned before was wrong. We were being racist." Every term is being given new definitions today in order to convince us that what was true really isn't true. And we don't seem to have the integrity to stand up and push back.
Can you? Do you? What would your life look like if you did? What would be different if you were true to Jesus through and through? How would you respond to the pressures of this world if they were trying to convince you that your faith in Jesus is a fool's faith?
This isn't a question for believers only. This is for everyone who walks the earth. There are people of many faiths other than Christianity. And there are many forms of Christianity. In every congregation, there are people - and wherever there are people, the question, "Who do you say [Jesus] is?" needs to be answered.
Today, we'll look at just five verses where Jesus puts His own disciples to the test of their hearts and integrity. Will they be true to the truth? Will they falter?

The Challenge (v. 67)

Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?”
This is a challenge to all of us. This same story was also in Matthew 16:13-17 -
When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”  He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
The challenge in that passage was, “Who do men say that I am?” and “Who do YOU say that I am?”
How would YOU answer those questions?
It’s one thing to know and say the textbook answer. It’s quite another to say it from the heart. And these days, there are few who do - or can.
There’s a lot of religion out there. And spirituality. But the focus is often on self, mysticism, or a connection to some divine power - NOT the Jesus who walked the earth in the days of the Disciples. Even in their day, however, people often didn’t answer the question right. But they at least spoke from their hearts in most cases. Judas Iscariot was one example of those who didn’t.

The Response (vs. 68-69)

Peter was often the spokesman for the group, and here is no different. His response was so strikingly honest that most of us would be ashamed. We might answer, “Lord, there’s plenty of options. The government might show us the way. Our families might be more important. Our well-being is at stake. How shall we follow you when everything and everyone else is against you - and they would be against us. We’re not you. We don’t have the strength, wisdom, and power to face the world. We have no choice.”
Peter recognized that Jesus has the words of eternal life. Yet we don’t spend time learning them, obeying them, or even trying to. Instead, we try to go along to get along. We try to be good in the sight of others more than in the sight of the Lord. We don’t value what He values. We aren’t interested in the hard teachings, the deep teachings of the Bible wherein are the words of eternal life - for they have the words of Jesus and the Holy Spirit!
And Peter also recognized that Jesus is the One prophesied to come as the Holy One, the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of the Living God! What does that mean? That means that He is Creator, sustainer, and owner of all that is created. He is LORD, not just the one to go to in time of need, while we ignore Him in time of plenty. He is Savior - of our lives, not just a rescuer of our breath here on earth and an insurance policy for us to redeem when we go before the Father in Heaven. He is Awesome! He is the Son of God - High, Holy, Pure, and all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. He makes no mistakes, and misses nothing. Can you imagine living and walking with Him like the disciples did? Well, if you know and believe that He is the Christ, and you’ve asked Him to forgive you, then you also know He’s alive and wants you to walk with Him, not go away.

The Encouragement (v. 70)

Jesus’ answer was the seal on the deal. In the Matthew passage, Jesus said, “I did not tell you this. The Holy Spirit revealed it to you.” Here, Jesus said He chose each of them. That choice was sealed when He called them and the Holy Spirit revealed to them who Jesus is. To every one of the 12 but Judas. Jesus called Judas knowing he would betray Him. That was all part of the Divine plan to provide the sacrifice for our sin. Had Judas believed this about Jesus, had Judas had the witness of the Holy Spirit in his heart, there would be no Calvary, no sufficient sacrifice for any of us.


If your integrity is solid, you will be sold out to Jesus - completely. You will let Him into your life - as Lord of your life, not as just another religious figure. You will let Him show you the depths of your sin, and His even deeper forgiveness. You will let Him empower you to love others. You will find in Him and in Him alone, the words of eternal life. You will see that in Him, God has come to this earth, and by knowing Him, you also know God. Obedience will come naturally because of this supernatural, spiritual knowledge of Jesus Christ. Where else will you turn? What other way of living can bring you closer to your Creator? What other pursuit can bring you genuine fulfillment? What other relationship can change you for the good as much, for all eternity?
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