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Righteousness is Impossible (Romans 1:18-3:20)

Righteousness matters because God says it does
wrath of God on unrighteousness
Doers of law rewarded
Infinite punishment/reward because of infinite God
God’s standard is perfection
Break one, you broke em all
Its about the heart
ALL have fallen short
There is no way for us to stand
By works of the law, no one will be justified
Righteousness is impossible to obtain
We have no case, we must plead guilty

Jesus is the Impossible Possibility

Righteousness of God made known
It is separate from the law
although the law pointed to it
law as a guardian to show us our faults and our need
It is only obtainable through Jesus
his passive obedience
his active obedience
his death and resurrection
2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Jesus IS our righteousness
It isnt that righteousness doesn’t matter anymore
Clothed in righteousness at trial
We ARE righteous now.
Because of Jesus, we get to reap benefits of righteousness
No condemnation, no guilty conscience
Hope for the future
Ability to love and obey rightly

We ought to live out our justification

That judge came into sibleys one day, and you better believe he got the best service in the building that night. Why? Was he going to declare me “more innocent?” Was he going to take away that ruling? No, he couldn’t aymore, I was already declared innocent. So why then? Because he did me a great favor, and the only right thing in response is to show thanks to him.
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