sf965 - The God Called Servants Of A New Testament Church (Philippians 1 1-2)
Philippians 1:1-2
There seems to be a latent suspicion of authority in our culture. Christianity, however, has recognized the need for authority in government, the home, and the church.
In Christianity, there is a unique leadership structure. The New Testament sets forth four separate and unique groups that make up the church and her government. They are Christ, elders, deacons, and the congregation.
A particular church gathered and completely organized according to the mind of Christ, consists of officers and members. The officers appointed by Christ to be chosen and set apart by the church are bishops or elders and deacons. These are to be appointed for the peculiar administration of ordinances and the execution of power or duty with which the Lord has entrusted them and to which He has called them. This pattern of church order is to be continued to the end of the world. (Baptist Confession of Faith 1689, Article 26, no. 8)
Each congregation operates under the Lordship of Christ through democratic processes. In such a congregation, each member is responsible and accountable to Christ as Lord. Its scriptural officers are pastors and deacons. While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture (2000 Baptist Faith and Message, Article VI)
This morning we will focus on the role and function of the Scriptural servants of the church; elders and deacons.
1A. Elders – The Servant-Leaders of the Church
1B. The role of an elder
Elders are servant-leaders (1 Peter 5:1-2; Acts 20:17-18, 28)
Ø Poimen, pastor, shepherd - caring
Ø Presbuteros, elder - spiritual maturity
Ø Episcopos, overseer, bishop – management/rule
Elders practice shared-leadership (Acts 20:17; 14:23)
Ø The Scripture clearly teaches the plurality of elders.
2B. The work of an elder
Elders are to feed God’s people - teach/preach/pray (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Timothy 5:17)
Ø Elders are responsible for the spiritual growth of God’s people.
Elders are to lead God’s people – govern (1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12)
Ø Elders are responsible for the spiritual direction of God’s church.
Elders are to protect God’s people – guard (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2)
Ø Elders are responsible for the spiritual safety of God’s people.
2A. Deacons – The Servant–Ministers of The Church
1B. The role of a deacon
Deacons are servant-ministers
Ø Diakoneo; verb meaning “serve, wait on; care for, see after, provide for (Matthew 20:28)
Ø Diakonia noun meaning “ministry, service; contribution, help, support; mission; perhaps office of deacon or authority (Romans 12.7).
Ø Diakonos noun meaning “servant; helper, minister; deacon; deaconess” (Romans 16.1).
When used to refer to the office it is always plural (Philippians 1:1).
2B. The work of the deacon (Acts 6:1-7)
Deacons are called to promote peace within the church. (Acts 6:1)
Deacons are called to assist the elders in the service of the church. (Acts 6:2, 4)
In the local church today, Deacons relieve the elders and pastor of other tasks so that they may concentrate on the ministry of the Word, prayer, and spiritual oversight of God’s people.
Deacons are called to be godly men. (6:3, 5)
Ø Good reputation – public life
Ø Full of the Holy Spirit – personal life
Ø Full of … wisdom – ability to lead and serve
Ø Full of faith… – men who gave evidence of regeneration
Deacons are called to provide physical ministry for the church. (Acts 6:2)
Deacons are called to promote the growth of the church. (Acts 6:7)
Philippians 1:1-2
1A. Elders – The Servant-Leaders of the Church
1B. The ______________________ of an elder
Elders are _______________-leaders (1 Peter 5:1-2; Acts 20:17-18, 28)
Ø “Poimen,” pastor, shepherd - caring
Ø “Presbuteros,” elder - spiritual maturity
Ø “Episcopos,” overseer, bishop – management or rule
Elders practice ______________-leadership (Acts 20:17; 14:23)
Ø The Scripture clearly teaches the plurality of elders.
2B. The _______________________ of an elder
Elders are to ______________ God’s people - teach/preach/pray (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Timothy 5:17)
Ø Elders are responsible for the spiritual growth of God’s people.
Elders are to ______________ God’s people – govern (1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12)
Ø Elders are responsible for the spiritual direction of God’s church.
Elders are to ______________ God’s people – guard (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2)
Ø Elders are responsible for the spiritual safety of God’s people.
2A. Deacons – The Servant–Ministers of The Church
1B. The role of a deacon
Deacons are ____________________-ministers
Ø Diakoneo; verb meaning “serve, wait on; care for, see after, provide for (Matthew 20:28)
Ø Diakonia noun meaning “ministry, service; contribution, help, support; mission; perhaps office of deacon or authority (Romans 12.7).
Ø Diakonos noun meaning “servant; helper, minister; deacon; deaconess” (Romans 16.1).
When used to refer to the office it is always ____________________ (Philippians 1:1).
2B. The work of the deacon (Acts 6:1-7)
Deacons are called to ________________ peace within the church. (Acts 6:1)
Deacons are called to _______________ the elders in the service of the church. (Acts 6:2, 4)
In the local church today, Deacons relieve the elders and pastor of other tasks so that they may concentrate on the ministry of the Word, prayer, and spiritual oversight of God’s people.
Deacons are called to be _____________ men. (6:3, 5)
Ø Good reputation – public life
Ø Full of the Holy Spirit – personal life
Ø Full of … wisdom – ability to lead and serve
Ø Full of faith… – men who gave evidence of regeneration
Deacons are called to provide ____________________ ministry for the church. (Acts 6:2)
Deacons are called to promote the ________________ of the church. (Acts 6:7)