Psalm 37:17-22
Psalms • Sermon • Submitted
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This is a continuation of how to redeem our days
Call out to the Lord
Pray without ceasing.
Constant communion with God
Email…spam and advertising
The persistence and constant barrage
1- Trust the Lord with your frustrations (verse 17)
The word used here for trouble means “frustration” or to be in a bind”
These situations come three places
-Sometimes God puts us into difficult situations to sanctify us
-The sin-filled world around us, including other people…as was the case with Saul and David
-From our own choices…David on the rooftop and other situations he found himself in
*Regardless the cause, the only safe place is to be in the will of God
Regardless the source or the reason for them we need to call out to God and voice our frustrations
*Not be frustrated with God over the situation but to share what is deep down in our hearts
2- Trust the Lord with your feelings (verse 18)
Have you ever wanted to share something that you were feeling but weren’t sure where to go
David knew where to go with his feelings
David repeatedly brought his broken and humbled heart to God
This is what God wants from us…our hearts
But it often takes difficulty for us to bring our hearts to Him
3- Trust the Lord with your future (verse 20)
The word “keepeth” means “to exercise great care over, or to protect”
Look at the life of Job
Satan could only go as far as the Lord allowed him
Look at the life of Paul
Satan was allowed to persecute Paul but only so far as the Lord allowed him
Look at the life of Jesus
Even as Jesus hung on the cross…it was only because it was part of the will of God and Satan could go no further.
4- Trust the Lord with your enemies (verse 21)
Their own sin will be their demise
Let God be the judge
That is His responsibility…Romans 2, Psalm 75:7, James 4:12; 1 Peter 4:1-5
Judgment is God’s responsibility
What is ours?
Matthew 5:43-48
5- Trust the Lord with your failures (verse 22)
The word “desolate” means “to be held guilty”
David seems to be bringing a heart broken by sin…a repentant heart
He comes to God and finds what?
This life brings to us a lot of burdens to bear
And as I have said before…the gospel isn’t just for our future hope
We have trusted Him to forgive us and give us a future hope but He doesn’t stop there
We cannot stop there
We MUST keep on trusting
We need to keep entrusting our daily lives to the Lord
I like to propose salvation as the great exchange
You humbly bring the Lord your sins and place your faith in the person and work of Jesus and you then exchange those sins for Christ’s righteousness
The exchange doesn’t end there either
There needs to be a daily exchange
My burdens for the wisdom, strength, and peace that can only come from God
Wisdom and strength because there will still be things I need to do about my burdens
But peace because in every burden there are those things we have no control over.
To redeem our days requires daily giving it all to God
Daily making that exchange
Daily taking steps of faith.