sf998 - Three Kinds Of Christians (2 Kings 7 3-10)
2 Kings 7:3-10
Three different categories of people presented in this story.
You must determine which one represents you. Ask God to move you to the category He desires.
The city of Samaria was very wicked. God had used them to judge His people Israel.
The focus here is on four lepers, rejects from society.
1A. The Sitters (7:3-4)
1B. The choices
With the Syrian Army (outside)
Ø They were feasting and celebrating their previous conquests.
Ø They had everything they needed.
With the Israelites (inside)
Ø They were suffering famine and resorting to cannibalism.
Ø They had nothing they needed.
2B. The consequences
They faced death either way.
People face spiritual death every day.
Ø If you were to count all the lost people on earth on second at the time it would take 37 years to complete.
Ø There are 613 people groups of 1000 people or more that no one is trying to reach.
Ø Sitters exist because church is all about us, not about the lost.
Ø Sacrifice requires that something change!
2A. Getters (7:7-9)
1B. They are sitters with common sense.
“There has to be more to the Christian life that this…”
“I want everything God has for me?”
2B. The danger is developing head knowledge alone
Churches get in trouble when all they do is feed and don’t give.
Some punishment will come (7:9)
No purpose always equals big problems.
3A. Goers and Tellers (7:9-10)
“This is a day of good news…”
1B. Responsibility – Go, Tell
Our motivation must be our love for Christ!
John 14:15 " If you love Me, keep My commandments.
We are commanded, compelled, and commissioned.
2B. Rewards
You will know in heaven?
Sometimes on this earth