The Importance and Glory of Marriage: Ephesians 5:22-33

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H: Husbands, incase you forgot, it is Valentines Day. I am convinced that Valentines Day is mainly a marketing ploy. Why should men shower there wife for love on February 14th? Not that it is wrong to buy your wives flowers, gifts, or a card on this day, shouldn’t you shower her with love everyday?
When preaching from the Song of Solomon, a professor of mine stated that “a marriage must be both white hot and rock solid.”
It is to be characterized by a burning and passionate love and steadfast and exclusive faithfulness between the spouses.
Marriage is trivialized by many in our culture, including many Christians. It should be open to everyone: men and men, women and women, men who think their women, and I read that one woman even wanted to marry herself. Others avoid marriage like it is a plague or prison. Instead they seek the benefits of marriage through serial dating, co-habitation, and hooking up. Those that do get married, often see it as a relationship little more solid than dating. Such can be seen in the reasons given by many when they get a divorce.
Love stories in TV shows and movies rarely end in healthy marriages that are rock solid and white hot. Marriages are often portrayed as stale, boring, binding, and old fashioned.
All of that said, how should we treat marriage as followers of Christ?
God through Paul provides us with an answer: Honor Marriage. That is the big idea. Let us consider two ways and a major reason why we should honor marriage.


1. Wives, honor marriage by submitting to your husbands: 22-24

Wives only must submit to their husbands
Submission is not blind and unqualified obedience to every whim of one’s husband.
Submission is voluntary, joyous, and grateful subjection to the leadership of a loving and godly husband as he leads the family into devoted service to God in Christ.
Wives submit to their husbands to illustrate the church's relationship to Christ

2. Husbands honor marriage by loving your wife: 5:25-31

Love your wife Self-Sacrificially: 5:25-27
Jesus gave Himself up: 25
To sanctify His bride: 26
To glorify His bride: 27
A: Husbands, do you love your wife self sacrificially? Do you make her well-being, needs, and wants a priority in your life? Do you give her time and attention? Are you willing to sacrifice for her? This is your calling. She is not a tool for you to use to further your own agendas. She is a gift and prize for you to cherish, lead, know, feed, and protect. Think of ways you can show self-sacrificing love to your wife, and seek to do it.
Love your wife As you love yourself: 28-30
A husband and his wife are one: 28
In general, a man doesn’t hate his own body: 29a
In general, a man cherishes and nourishes his own body: 29b
Jesus has has united himself to his church and therefore loves the church as his own body: 29c-30
A: Husband, you do realize that you and your wife are one, correct? Her needs are your needs. Her fears and insecurities are your fears and insecurities. You are as responsible for her as much as you are for your own body. You wouldn’t beat yourself, starve yourself, or leave yourself? You shall love her as much as you love yourself.
Love your wife Exclusively: 31
Paul appeals to Genesis 2:24. This verse is the same one Jesus refers to in His teaching on marriage and divorce.
It has been a few weeks, so let me remind you of what Jesus argues in that passages citing Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:24:
God made man as complementary genders of male and female in the beginning and has sustained this order ever since.
God intended that these two complementary genders would come together in marriage for a lifetime: one man with one one woman.
Therefore, since God intends the union of one man and one woman for a life long one flesh union in marriage, no mere man should break it.
It is also worth summarizing what the Bible as a whole teaches on marriage:
Marriage is an institution created by God to be enjoyed by one man and one woman in one flesh union for a lifetime (Gen 1:27-28; 2:24).
It typifies and illustrates Jesus’ relationship with the church (Ephesians 5:22-33).
Moreover, it is for the mutual benefit of husband and wife, the production of children, and the prevention of sin (Genesis 2:18; 1:28; 1 Corinthians 7:2, 9).
In summary, husbands, you must love your wives exclusively. No one else is to receives the love that she does. You don’t cheat on her in thought or deed.

3.Everyone, honor marriage because it reflects the Gospel: 5:32-33

Illustration: How does Jesus show love to His bride?


Marriages should be white hot and rock solid. I wager that such marriages only come about when you honor marriage as Paul has taught in the text we have studied. I have applied the teaching of this text to husbands and wives throughout my exposition. I now want to apply it to the church, those with unbelieving spouses, parents, those who have been divorced, singles, and unbelievers.
Church: We must not only take it serious in our beliefs, but also in our practices. We do this by
praying for the marriages in our congregation,
encouraging the marriages in our congregation,
exemplifying marriage to others in our congregation and community,
correcting errant views and unhealthy marriage practices in our members,
being firm in where we stand on marriage and divorce,
pointing those who have struggling or failed marriages to Christ,
calling those who have struggling or failed marriages to repent,
disciplining those members that transgress marriage vows in unlawful divorces, adultery, abuse, or abandonment,
and supporting those who have been harmed within marriage by a spouse who transgressed marriage vows.
To those with unbelieving spouses: Pray for them, exemplify Christ to them, and share the gospel to them if they are willing to hear it. Wives you should submit to them in so far as they lead you in ways that do not disobey or dishonor the Lord. Husbands you should love them as Christ loved the church. Do not be quick in giving up on them. If they refuse to live with you by abandonment or abuse, then let them go.
Parents: Exemplify godly marriages and teach your children about God’s design for marriage.
Divorcees: As I said, in the sermon a few weeks ago, There is forgiveness for you in Christ. There is hope, joy, and salvation to all who come to the Lord Jesus in faith. Jesus died for sinners. I’m most certain you meet that criteria. Come to the Lord Jesus in faith. He will not turn you away. He will cleanse and purify you of your sins.
Singles: Be careful who you pick as a spouse. It is better to be single than with the wrong person. The society may have reduced marriage to a trivial decision, but God has not. Look for a spouse who loves Jesus, His Word, and His people. Anyone else is not worth your time. Moreover, pursue purity. Do not give yourself emotionally or physically to someone until they have shone themselves worthy. Such worthiness is not shown by merely dating for a time or being nice. Such worthiness is shown only when they say “I do” before God, His people, and the World. I promise you, you will never regret what you don’t do with those with whom you date. I for one believe the modern concept of dating caries with it more dangers and heartache than benefits.
Unbelievers: Jesus gave himself sacrificially for His people to cleanse the of their sins and grant them eternal life. Marriage as God intends it is meant to picture the love of Christ for His people and their submission to Him. However, most marriages don’t do this well because ever since the fall only sinners say “I do.” Sin effects every relationship, including man and wife. However, there is one relationship that its effects are most deadly. Sin puts a separation and hostility between God and man. God has provided a remedy for that separation and hostility in the person and work of His Son. I call upon you to trust in Him and His work for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
All: Honor marriage. Wives, honor marriage by submitting to your husbands. Husbands, honor marriage by loving your wives. Everyone, honor marriage because it reflects the gospel.
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