Psalm 51
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The way to Comfort
Basic Bible Study | Psalm 51 (2)
Psalm 51
We need to set the back drop refer to 2 Samuel 12. King David was visited by Nathan who told him a parable about a rich man and a poor man. The rich man had vast amounts of wealth of land, livestock and family. The poor man had one little ewe that was a beloved member of his family. A traveller comes to town and goes to the rich mans house and it was customary when a guest showed up at your home you fed them. The rich man however did not want to take any of his own wealth to feed the traveller so he took the poor mans little ewe to give to this man to eat.
King David thought this was aweful and said that the rich man should die for doing such a thing and that he must pay for the lamb 4 times over because the rich man did such a thing and had no pity.
Then Nathan said, "The rich man is you, David." The Lord says I have given you all this and if you had of asked for more I would have given it to you.
Can you see how these words now have a context. Can you relate?
vs 6 but you desire honesty from the womb- The womb or my inner most part- my heart. God desires honesty from the heart and teaches us wisdom even there. Heart Wisdom- What is it? Heart wisdom is the redeemed workings of our experiences into heart wisdom. What did we learn? Each one of us has heart wisdom. Talk about God using our heart wisdom in the lives of others.
Make connection between vs 17 a broken spirit and the Jesus words in Matthew on the sermon on the mount. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. A broken spirit, a repentant heart before God will not be rejected or turned away.
Psalm 51
vs. 6 the word womb needs to be defined. vs. 7 Some translations David asks the Lord to pruify him with Hyssop. Hyssop was used in the cerimonys of atonement and purifucation.
Psalm 51
King David and God because of the Lord's prophet Nathan going and talking to King David. Don't be afraid when God sends you to deliver a message because he goes with you.
Act on the messages that you recieve from the Lord. David had to act when Nathan came to him. He had to choose to recieve the information or not. He choose well.
Psalm 51
Is. 1:18 really re-enforces the ideal of radical cleansing. A cleansing that doesn't even make sense but it is the most critical cleansing of our lives.
Psalm 51
God's forgiveness is for everyone and is available at anytime to anyone, we must ask for it and recieve it. When we ask for it, it changes the posture of our heart towards God and makes way for God to work in our hearts, even there God wants to give us wisdom and it starts with the posture of our hearts.
Psalm 51
There is no depth that the blood of God will not go and no stain that it will not cleanse. I like King David will spend my days talling others of this great salvation we have in Christ.
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