Jonah's Disobedience
Intro: The major power in the middle East at that time was Assyria, whose capital was Nineveh. Since the ninth century B.C. the Assyrians had been sending savage military expeditions west into Syria-Palestine and have persecuted the Jews. Jonah’s hatred for the Assyrians ran deep and for good reason. I want us to see 3 Key Reasons on why disobeying God is never good for us and why is it so hard to do so.
I. God calls on Jonah to go preach vs 1-3
I. God calls on Jonah to go preach vs 1-3
A. Exposition: God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, but he fled because of his feelings towards the Assyrians.
God want Jonah to go because he wanted Assyria to hear the truth
God knew Jonah would tell them the truth and not hold anything back.
Jonah fled and went the opposite way thinking he could run from God.
B. Application: When God Calls us he has a reason in mind
When God calls us its not by chance, there is always a reason.
God know we are the person for the job.
Trying to hid from him or ignoring him wont work.