Evangelism Class #2 - God the Evangelist
The Invincible Mission of God
Veritas Church, Roseville
February 14, 2021
1. Weekly Prayer Focus and Evangelistic Highlights
2. Summary of Prior Week(s):
Evangelism is simply the intentional, verbal communication of the gospel
to someone who does not, or may not, know Christ for the purposes of
seeing them repent and believe.
We evangelize for at least three reasons: the joy of participating in God’s
work, our passion for His glory, and our love for our neighbor.
Evangelism is God’s work, and we are privileged to participate in it.
3. Overview of Current Class:
John 4:32-34 and 1 Corinthians 3:5-9
Our intention this morning is to cover the overall biblical context of evangelism.
The premise is that God is undertaking a saving work amongst mankind within
which we are participants. We want to understand that overall mission and how it
informs our part in it.
4. Class Objectives:
Review the Meta-Narrative of Scripture
Understand the Goal of the Shepherd
Grasp How the Good Shepherd Gets His Sheep
See Who Directs the Body
Begin to Think Through Implications
5. The Meta-Narrative of Scripture
Genesis 3 and John 10:16
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The Invincible Mission of God
Veritas Church, Roseville
February 14, 2021
6. Understanding the Goal of the Shepherd
a. Salvation from people from every tribe, tongue, and nation
Isaiah 40:8-10 and Revelations 7:9
7. How the Good Shepherd Gets His Sheep
Premise: The Good Shepherd gets His sheep using other sheep.
a. The Sheep are Commanded to Go and Preach
Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8
b. Local Flocks Play a Key Role
Acts 13:2 and Acts 14:19-28
c. Sheep Exist to Proclaim God’s Grace
1 Peter 2:9-10
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The Invincible Mission of God
Veritas Church, Roseville
February 14, 2021
“The preacher should work to convert his congregation; the wife should
work to save her unbelieving husband. Christians are sent to convert, and
they should not allow themselves, as Christ's representatives in the world,
to aim at anything less.” ― J.I. Packer, Evangelism & the Sovereignty
of God
8. Seeing Who Directs the Body
a. What caused the gospel to spread from Jerusalem?
Acts 8:1
b. What prompted the inclusion of the gentiles?
Acts 10:1-8
c. What started Paul on his missionary journeys to the gentiles?
Acts 13:1-4
d. Who controlled where Paul went?
Acts 16:4-10
e. Who controlled how long Paul stayed in a given place?
Acts 18:5-17
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The Invincible Mission of God
Veritas Church, Roseville
February 14, 2021
9. So…what does this mean for us?
2 Corinthians 5:20-21
a. We need to view the world through the lens of our mission.
b. We need to get the message right.
c. We need to represent our sovereign well.
d. We need to follow the rules our master has set out for us.
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