Believer's Authority Part IX 080606
Believer’s Authority Part IX 080607
9. Created in Christ Jesus
Ephesians 3:14-21, He has placed His glory in the CHURCH, to glorify Himself,
Matthew 16:13-20 empowering His church by allowing them to bind and loose
Matthew 18:15-20 this is how the church is to operate, only 2 mentions in the gospels,
The Anointing is individual and corporate, prayer of agreement, ONE ACCORD
Mark 16:15-20
John 16:23 & John 17:26
His Name & His Authority
10. Beneath His Feet
Ephesians 1:22-23
Hebrews 10:5-13 The Father had to have “a man” fulfill the OC before the NC
I John 4:1-6 spirit of truth and error coming out of the “man”ifester
Joshua 10 & Joshua and the 5 Amorite Kings
Matthew 28:18-20, is Jesus commissioning and empowering his church
Our authority rests in His name, His Word, and in His blood
“In My Name” show the hits, almost all in New Covenant
The enemy wants you to be ignorant of your position
False “in my name” Mark 13:1-10 & Luke 21:8, Satan understands where the power is
and offers a false anointed one & false anointing
In much of today’s church, no need to preach a false messiah, just keep them in the dark
about their authority and power
“If it is your will let them be healed” It is God’s will to heal, but we are going to have to act on the covenant…Col 2:8-10