Believer's Authority Part VII 070906
Believer’s Authority Part VII 070906
6. The New Creation
Hebrews 1:1-12, verse 5 and sons, God & Sons!!!
verse 9 “with the oil of gladness above his fellows”
Romans 8:16-17
Ephesians 1:16-23 & 2:5-7
Jesus as an anointed man gained back authority over Satan’s kingdom, and is currently exercising that authority through believers
7. The Image of God
Genesis 1:26
Hebrews 1:3 we are also the “express image of His person” as in Gen 1:26
Romans 8:29-30
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
8. Righteousness of God
2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 5:17-18
9. Created in Christ Jesus 10. Beneath His Feet
Matthew 28:18-20, is Jesus commissioning and empowering his church
Mark 16:15-20 and THEY went forth and preached everywhere, that is authority
The LORD is working with and confirming The Word
Our authority rests in His name, His Word, and in His blood
“In My Name” show the hits, almost all in New Covenant
The enemy wants you to be ignorant of your position
False “in my name” Mark 13:1-10 & Luke 21:8, Satan understands where the power is
and offers a false anointed one & false anointing
In much of today’s church, no need to preach a false messiah, just keep them in the dark
about their authority and power
“If it is your will let them be healed” It is God’s will to heal, but we are going to have to act on the covenant…Col 2:8-10