A Fresh Start at the Cross
Vertical - vs. 15
Vertical - vs. 15
Grounded in the Knowledge of His Salvation
Grounded in the Knowledge of His Salvation
The writer of Hebrews has just discussed Jesus’ sacrificial death outside of the camp
The emphasis is on the lengths Jesus went to reach us
The emphasis is on the lengths Jesus went to reach us
Every believer knows how far Jesus had to go to reach you
Because of His Salvation, we have Peace with God
Because of His Salvation, we have Peace with God
Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Because of our His Salvation, we MUST Praise Him
Because of our His Salvation, we MUST Praise Him
Reaching to the edges of Heaven
Reaching to the edges of Heaven
Yet You are holy,
O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.
We must remember that God HEARS our hearts when we praise Him!
We must remember that God HEARS our hearts when we praise Him!
Horizontal - vs. 16
Horizontal - vs. 16
Our love for others starts at the intersection of humanity and Deity that is Jesus
Our love for others starts at the intersection of humanity and Deity that is Jesus
We minister out of love for others not benefit for ourselves
While we all love to see someone new come to Christ and are grateful for them joining alongside of us for service to His Kingdom
The object is not another servant in the church but another citizen of the Kingdom!
The object is not another servant in the church but another citizen of the Kingdom!
We must Minister to one another as believers to strengthen one another
Iron sharpens iron,
So one man sharpens another.
Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
There is a Fresh Start at the Cross for EVERYONE Today!
There is a Fresh Start at the Cross for EVERYONE Today!