Passion Of The Blood 012206
The Passion Of The Blood
My passion was teaching The Word of God, and projecting it onto a screen
The LORD birthed a passion for Him and His Word, scanned big screen
Jeshua was passionate about people, he was not disengaged, or aloof
Jesus had to become flesh and blood to give us His anointing
His passion was HIS anointing, and having that passed to us, Luke 4:18-30
Luke 10:1-20 and on the 72, and those who refused it, Capernaum
He knew what was in man, yet His passion remained John 2:23-25
He came to show them and us The Father, John 14:8-14
Jeshua is passionate about putting himself in His church, verse 12
To carry His name, we must be washed in His blood
Name & Works in the above passage, works and name 6 times, Jeshua is passionate about the works, and He is passionate about the use of His name
Jesus is passionate about His works, your works, as our works can only flow out of His works, FATHER, SON, HOLY GHOST, CHURCH
Matthew 26:26-29 the Blood of The Covenant was poured out
The purpose of the blood was to cleanse, and also unite
BLOOD, seat of life, denotes life itself
No one can pour out their own blood dispassionately
The movie “The Robe” and the rain washing the blood down the hill