Passion Of The Blood Part III 020506
The Passion Of The Blood Part III
This morning I was seeking the Lord in prayer as to why He revealed to me specifically that the Steelers would win and this was His response to me.
“ Child, I am training you to hear My voice of revelation.”
“There will come a time when I will reveal to you world events.”
“This was one such world event – the Super Bowl.”
“Listen intently to My voice and I will show you great and mighty things.”
Online bible verses…, 35 languages and 50 versions
Flesh and blood is the life of this world, we are living life in The Spirit NOW!!! Leviticus 17: 11-14, the blood for atonement was necessary, it is done now, IT IS FINISHED!!!
Only we can operate in both kingdoms, Matthew 16:15-19, Jesus did not take back the keys, the keys of the Kingdom were given to operate The New Covenant HERE!!!
God does not operate the New Covenant, WE DO
He knew what was in man, yet His passion remained John 2:23-25
He came to show them and us The Father, John 14:8-14
Jeshua is passionate about putting himself in His church, verse 12
To carry His name, we must be washed in His blood to carry His anointing
Name & Works in the above passage, works and name 6 times, Jeshua is passionate about the works, and He is passionate about the use of His name, a person’s name in these times represented their character, their authority, their position.
Jesus is passionate about His works, your works, as our works can only flow out of His works, FATHER, SON, HOLY GHOST, CHURCH
Matthew 26:26-29 the Blood of The Covenant was poured out, we have COMMON UNION with Jesus, in His family, His name, joint heirs, His anointing
The purpose of the blood was to cleanse, and to empower with the anointing
BLOOD, seat of life, denotes life itself
No one can pour out their own blood dispassionately
The movie “The Robe” and the rain washing the blood down the hill