What Is Your Expectation 030506
What Is Your Expectation? 030506
Acts 3 silver and gold have I none, BUT WHAT I HAVE, Peter at the Gate Beautiful,
this is the East Gate of the temple, ANTONIA in maps
Obtained like precious faith with us 2 Peter 1:1
Peter knew Christ’s anointing was in him, he did not have to ask God for it!!!
Verse 3, the man asked for something, do you think this would have happened if he didnt
Verse 4 “look at us” Peter was trying to get him to expect “something”
Verse 5 the man was “EXPECTING to get something from them” RECEIVE or to seize
7700 bible illustrations, Mrs. Howard Johnson
Proverbs 23:18 “thine EXPECTATION shall not be cut off”
This expectation is a cord, an attachment, WORD, HOPE, FAITH, MANIFESTATION
7700 Bible Illustrations, and the dead king and his horse, EXPECTATION
Peter knew the anointing of Christ was in him, and faith that leads to expectation brings about the action, on Peter’s part and the crippled man
Verse 6, “silver and gold have I none,” but Peter expected to give the man something
What do we expect to give people??????????????????????????????????????????????
Slavena & Kayla on Wednesday night
Faith is an act, it is an action, it is not passive and does not wait around for something
Faith on his part was expecting something. What are you expecting?
He was thinking money, Peter was thinking something far better
Verse 9 “the people saw him” the results of faith are meant to be seen, we are not to look for faith with our natural eyes, but the results of faith ARE meant to be seen
Verse 10, the church is still wondering and amazed!!!
Our faith mixed with His anointing, Hebrews 4:1-2