February 21, 2021 Sunday Morning Service

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That's what we're talking about this morning one together talking about those one another passages and there's quite a few of them in the New Testament one another and as we were reading in our texts from Ephesians 2, we have one new man made out of the to do and Jen and they are to work in unison. They were to work together there now one together, you know, we read about how Christ died alone, right? He died alone on the cross. Now in your mind spell that word alone. A l o n e. What word do you find in the word alone? 1 one Christ died alone so that we could be one. Just what God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit are one they work together and they work in Hewitt and they work in fellowship and they work in love and that's the point of making throughout the Ephesian letter. He says, you're one new men work together get along love one another no biting. No barking. No divorcing one another. And so we're just going to spend a few moments if we met looking about what Paul says concerning.

Now I want you if you can read that. I want you to read the green portion after I read the white portion. Do not.

Do not judge one another anymore. That's what Paul was telling this one group of individuals both Jew and Gentile he saying yeah, you came from different backgrounds over here from the Jews. You came from different tribes were one people you Gentiles. God loves you too. He brought you in you come from different backgrounds different cultures. And now I understand that you Jews hate the Gentiles and because you're treated so poorly you Gentiles you hate the Jews. No, isn't it odd that God had a plan to bring in two parties who oppose one another and then says okay get along. That's what he wants us to do. And then he gives this these commands. He says do not judge one another anymore. Now what you talkin about? We are to judge one. Another Paul said that in a fusion chapter 5 verse 1 chapter 6 talking about we who are we to judge those on the outside? We have no business with those on the outside What you talkin about? Everybody outside of Christ everybody who's outside of Christ is outside the church. He says we don't judge what goes on the outside we judge those on the inside. Therefore we are to be our Brother's Keeper to help one another along to Heaven. That's what the church is about. So we are each other's help me in that respect. Remember God made Adam, but he may need to be his help meet with the church. God established the church and we are each other's help me to get each other to heaven. So we find here. He says don't judge one another anymore over such things as your opinions Romans chapter 14 don't judge over opinion that have no bearing on scripture. right It don't don't say don't get into a fight with her. Jesus wore a robe above his knee or below his knee. We don't know. It doesn't matter. But people fight over such things people fight in churches because of the color of the carpet that was chosen. Builders they decided Well, let's bring the church together and let's just let's just vote on it and and see if we can just pick the right color and whoever picks the right cut the most votes fix the color. someone picks blue but then someone over here since 03.

And people leave people get so angry and offended because their choice wasn't taken. But that's what we're talking about here. He saying no more don't judge anyone like that anymore. Don't be acting like children.

Banda it's the next one is what do not. Go to court with one another. Do not go to court was I had a brother called me a few weeks ago. You wanted to know if he could go to court. Tell me the story I said I don't see why not. What was this verse was sticking his mine? And I said well. He's not your brother.

Right. He's talking about our relationship because of the blood of Jesus Christ in the church. We are Brethren why because we have been born again. And if we're born again, we are Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the family of God. So spiritual family. So Paul says do not go to court with each other anymore. Take it aside deal with it yourself. You don't don't let your dirty laundry be aired. And why is that?

Look at how many people outside who are not Christians and I know everybody claims to be Christian, but that's not what the Bible defines as Christians. They claimed some early just to Jesus. That's what I say. But what happens when people outside a church here or what's going on? Show them Church of Christ as they can't get along there. Just Edition there that in addition to that and here they are bringing each other to court. What does that do to the body of Christ? Bright so by our actions were actually judging the world. So he says don't go to court with you handle it in-house. And if you think you're you're not guilty give your brother what he wants anyways. That's what he say.

Is it just just break down and say all right. I was the one who was wrong just to end this whole charade. Let's reminiscent of the situation and put it behind us. What do we do that? Well, you know many years ago. There was a church here in Oklahoma or a young woman had committed adultery. And she committed adultery and they work with a woman they try to restore the marriage and all of that and and the church said well, you know according to scripture we have to we have to withdraw Fellowship from you.

And you all know that you can read that in your Bibles. We're not to let a little leaven leavens the whole lump Jesus even said if you bring her a matter to the church and they refused to hear what the church has to say. He says let them be to you as a heathen and a tax collector. despised so the woman was offended at that. So what did she do? She sued the church for some like 250,000 at the time 500,000 whatever it was and this made national news, but not following the principles of the Bible will lead to send and then add same to Morrison. That's the issue. Do not. bite and devour one another do not get into arguments to not bite each other don't tear each other apart like wolves. I was watching that movie The Grey never watch that movie The Grey with Liam Neeson about this plane it crashes and this group of gentlemen are alive and they have to fend off all these rules. And I won't give you the end of the story, but Liam Neeson guys. Because he was eaten by a wolf. So do not bite and devour one another do not provoke one another what does provoke mean?

That's right creating anger and somebody. That's what I would tell. My dad. Dad. Bruce is trying to provoke me.

Provoke one another fathers do not provoke your children, right? Don't provoke of don't bring them to wrath. Don't bring them to anger. But we do that a lot. Yep, these versus still stand. Do not complain against one another complain.

Did you hear what Doug said this morning? Huh? Did you hear what Roy said last week? Why can't we ever get anything over here? Why do we need people complain and complain you remember you remember Moses in the Israelites in the in the desert people were complaining and complaining and complaining and God said I had it with you people and he put a lot of them to death because of their complaining. He said there's no need for complaining. He's not saying you're not going to say something in your heart. He's not saying that he's not saying you're going to complain what do yourself or make some argue some statements about somebody else. What are you saying? Don't keep it going. We always complain We complain just like we did angry, right but the point is be angry and what sin not. Don't let your anger get out of control. Don't let your complaining get out of control. Do not hate one another. Do not speak evil of one another do not Grumble against one another minute sermon trying to bring it back folks. I'm trying to give you some free time that you can enjoy. All right. So as we think about those negative aspects of what we're not to do we get it to that text what we were talking about in the fusions chapter 2. Now want you to see this because we're kind of going to Branch out as we go through the text. He says for by Grace you have been saved through the faith. Your text my text most texts. That is most translations. They say for by Grace you have been saved through faith. But there's a definite article there in the Greek. So we need to say for by Grace you have been saved through the definite article.

There's a difference now between my face and Ethan I get my belief my faith from the faith the word of God the teachings found in God's word. That's the same. So he says for by Grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God. That's how they should not of Works lest anyone should boast know I grew up thinking about and I was taught that the works here or any kind of works. I don't believe that's the case because Justin the next verse he says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. So what does he mean by that? Well going to take it to another passage and Romans. I don't know if you can read the howling know if I can do that, but he says in Romans Chapter 2. He says indeed. You are called and you and rest on the law and make your boast in God. Make your boast in God. And and so he says how were they boasting look at the next couple versus down. It says for circumcision is indeed possible if you keep along but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. What does that mean? You know, there's a relationship there between circumcision and baptism to some degree. when circumcision a Jewish purified made righteous in the eyes of God, but then he says what happens if you grow up and you become like those complaining rebels in the desert. Well, what good or profit does that circumcision do them? It doesn't do any good because God killed them. God judged same thing with Baptist. A lot of people are baptized and I think they can go through life just being who they were before. They were baptized. Well, no, you have to grow just like the Jews had to grow just like they had to keep learning to put God first in their lives. That's why everything was settled. So physical in the Judaism of the Jews the religion of the Jews and Judaism that everything was a physical reminder when we don't have such physical reminders except perhaps the emblems that we use here for the Lord's Supper, but we haven't words of God as a reminder. So we find here that in the text of Romans 2. He's talking about those Jews who were boasting in God over there circumcision. And they were boasting about themselves to the Gentiles. At the end of Romans chapter 3 it says where is your boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? The Works law of works That's the Old Testament know it's excluded. He says but by the law of Faith or the law of the faith. We don't have time to go for the rest of it. But the point is that he's talking about the circumcision notice what he says down and verse 30. He says sisters one God who will justify the circumcised and uncircumcised through so again, you can see the works of the law. Boasting and circumcision are once again tied together. So we go back to the text the most seasons chapter 2 for by Grace you have been saved through Z Faith the gospel and they're not of yourselves. It is the gift of God not of works. Lest anyone should boast who were boasting who are the people posting Jews? They were boasting about their Works their Works large circumcision. And how do I know that? Let's keep reading. He says. His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works works that are separate from those other works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them there for remember that you once Gentiles In the Flesh who are called uncircumcision. But what is called the circumcision Made In the Flesh by hands? I know that at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from a covenants of Promise having no hope and without God in the world. What a pitiful condition to be in Lost. Four-letter word loss. It's a terrifying word. He said he had no hope. All of us are like that without God he says but now in Christ Jesus you Gentiles who were once so far. I have been brought near by the blood of Christ for he himself is our peace who has made both one. So what was keeping them separated what was keeping them to rather than one? circumcision specifically the law of Moses

He made both one and has broken down the middle wall separation having a ballast in his flesh the Wrath that is the law of Commandments contained in ordinances talking about the law of Moses. Talking about the Mosaic law. That's what separated Jew and Gentile. begins with circumcision, but if you're not following the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob through the Old Testament scriptures, then you were certainly still separated from God the Gentiles were naturally separated from God because the law of Moses was for the Jews. So you had to be a a proselyte that is he had to be converted to Judaism to become a Jew which required circumcision.

So if that's true the old and now you entering to the new. And Jesus says he that believes and is baptized shall be sick. What does that tell us? Well, the Jews had their circumcision. But we have Baptist. And he says you have to enter into Christ into the church through baptism were baptized by one Spirit into the church. be baptized into the church is being baptized into Christ being baptized into Christ were baptized into his body were added by Christ to the church xtune verse 47 all of that comes into play when we read this chapter chapter 2 and he says it's the law. That contain Commandments in ordinances that specifically involved circumcision that kept the Gentiles strangers and Aliens separated lost from God. And the same is today anyone who is outside prices stranger. Lost and it doesn't matter if I can stay in Christ all day long, but if I haven't done with the Jesus has asked me to do I'm lost. So it matters what God's word says not what someone else says or thinks a lot of people when they approach the Bible. They think God's word says this or that the one they actually open it up and read it. They understand maybe God did not say that and maybe God did say this. so for making the case of being one. being one

Now we enter into the positive we talked about the negatives to pierce the positive. He's just let love be without hypocrisy of hor. What is evil? Accor what is evil? That's what David said he goes. Through that precepts I get understanding therefore I hate. I hate every false way claim to what is good be kind Lee affectionate to one another with brotherly love and honor giving preference to one another.

Psalm 133 behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity Unity of mind. Unity of purpose YouTube Ma Paul says on several occasions be of one mind.

1 judgment and we're supposed to have the mind of Christ. It's always says it's good to be of one mind and of one purpose working together to save so working together to expand the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This is the kingdom. Not literally the four walls, although if we bring more people into the four walls, we might have to expand before wall but adding souls to the body and is expanding the kingdom. That's why the church is still being built today Brick by Brick your brick. I'm a brick and we add more souls. We're adding more brick construction.

So he says work together in unity to do that. That's our job. But hear David explains what it's like to walk in unity. He said it's like the precious oil upon the head running down on the beer. That sounds kind of gross doesn't it? But this is what they did. This is who they were was their culture and it was like the precious oil upon the head running down on the beard the beard of Aaron. Not just any beer but the beard of Aaron running down on the edge of his garments. It is like to do if Herman descending upon the mountain of Zion for there the Lord commanded the blessing life forever more that's what he was like. in the poetic fashion that David makes it how beautiful that's just one chapter Psalm 133 is only three versus long and

brother Roy sang that song it was actually singing Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 and that's how you that's how you in instill God's word in your heart. You ever do that? That's what the Jews did with the songs. They sang them. The people could know the songs. Did you know, there are people out there that know all the songs. How do they learn because they sign on? And you talk about all those people that try to learn things. They put them to song even when we're learning Greek. We have all these different songs and tunes that you can use to learn the Greek language singing is valuable. And so we sing scripture and we should sing scripture. So we have Unity. but notice He says I do not pray for these alone. Jesus Is In The Garden of Gethsemane? They just got done with the Lord's Supper. The Lord goes out to pray. He tells his disciples went over here. Don't fall asleep way over here. Is that going pray? So in his prayer he's praying and he's sweating with sweat with drops of that look like blood. This is the prayer that John quotes. He just got done praying for himself. Let me pray for his disciples his apostles. Then he says this I do not pray for these the apostles alone. But also for those you and me who will believe in me through. there were next to it says and they continued steadfastly in the apostles Doctrine there were.

So all those who will believe in me through their word that they all may be one as you father are in me, and I'm in you that day. Also, maybe one in us, how are we one together in Christ?

Do the work. That's why it's vitally important. We have to agree with one another but God's word. And so that's what Jesus was pointing out here. He's he's saying wanted to be one to be United. Well, how come we're not meeting down the road here was a message down here when the Primitive Baptist down here with other groups or over there with the Catholic Church. How come you're not over with the Lutheran tall together?

Quite simply were divided and it's a shame. It's a shame why because people see all the different churches. Believing different things and then people look at that and they say oh, what does it matter? What does it matter? If they can't get along why should I try and get along with? But notice he says let them be one through their word. The teachings of the Apostles our new testament we have to have agreement. We have to believe what Jesus said we have to live. That's exactly what Jesus said. He says man does not live by bread alone. But by what by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God every word that God used out of his mouth. So that we can follow. And we can understand in the text that we read and I'll close out here. Let me go back to it.

You know, I don't have it. well in Ephesians chapter 3 turn your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 3.

Ephesians chapter 3

someone says well, that's your interpretation.

Your true potential difference in the interpretation. Is that how we're supposed to live?

If that's the case, this is not a revelation from God. Write this because Revelation means making no. God made known his mind through the word to you to come to Revelation 3. What is Paul say memories talking about the mystery. He says in verse two if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which was given to me for you how that by Revelation. He made known to me the mystery as I have briefly written already. Alright, he made known the mystery to the Ephesians how

Through writing right? He says which I have briefly written to you already not notice what he says next. By which when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ. They can understand. Are some things hard to understand? Yes, but have you read all of Paul's writings? I hope you have Because most of Paul's writings are very easy. There are portions that are difficult, but they're not impossible. How do you say and you can understand when you read? Now that's a that's God telling us that so there's no such thing as well. That's your interpretation. He says there has to be a woman interpretation. That is we can all agree to know that we can understand God's will. So with that man, you need to understand the will of God for the church. is dwell is one together and together we are to work together. We are to love together. We're to do all things that we can for Christ together. It's not a one-person show. It's not a three-person show. It's not a tempered it to everybody show working together. And so it is coming up on each of us that we take hold of the Great Commission go into all the world has you live your lives start talking about Jesus start talking about Christianity talking about God's word start talking about what it means to be a child of God. Start talking about why you don't do the things that other people do. Because your child of God. In Jesus wants you to grow do you just want you to change and so he that believes and is baptized shall be safe. We can all agree on that because it's so simple and that is the entrance into God's Church. God's Church his family If you're subject to the imitation of Christ this morning once you come together as we stand and sing.

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