Choice IX 121507
Choice IX 121507
Chambers “Utmost” September 19, sin cannot be dealt with within ourselves, it must be taken outside the camp, as that is where the cross is, don’t try and hide your sin, your sin will find you out, Numbers 32:21-25, Twelve Tribes scanned document in Teaching Files, to hide your sin is a CHOICE
Hebrews 13:12-15 outside the camp, Vernon McGee on Hebrews 13:13, to release the life of The Son of God in us, is a continual choice, and attached note, we are not separated “from” things, but “unto” Christ………..not a list of don’ts but do’s
I Cor 6:19-20 body as the temple and note on verse 20, again it is all about the choices that we make, the flesh and the spirit have nothing in common and are at continual odds against each other
My Utmost October 30 on faith and the flesh, to be led by faith is to be led by The Spirit of God, an illustration is Joshua 9:1-20 the natural or common sense said the Gibeonites MUST be from a far country, they did not ask, Proverbs 14:12
Gibeonite covenant was kept by God, 2 Samuel 21 and the 3 year famine
Kill all the people in the Book of Joshua, God is not just talking to Israel, he is talking to us……………. 2 Cor 6:16-18, you must not live like the world, or you will get the world’s results, God lives in us which is far more powerful than what Israel experienced
Gal 5:16-18, not just subject to the law, but by being led by the HG, this fulfills taking your sin outside the camp or our flesh, our flesh does not want to take our sin outside the camp, but would rather deal with it, or “just live with it,” for we say we have ALWAYS had this sin or issue, the anointing is burden removing yoke destroying, Isaiah 10:27, to believe Isaiah 10:27 itself is a choice, or is it just Pentecostal wackiness, that has passed?
John 6:53-69, Spirit or the flesh??????????