Just Shall Live By Faith 010707
Just Shall Live By Faith 010707
We as a church were asked to live and walk out our faith at Jack’s funeral
Faith is almost always going to look stupid in the natural, and also to the religious church
This word is repeated 4 times in scripture
Habbakuk 2:4 the just shall live by HIS faith, both His and ours, as our faith is His faith
The Babylonians are coming and I am sending them, but I am asking you to receive this
by faith
Romans 1:17
Galatians 3:11
Hebrews 10:38
We have lived by faith in how we prayed and stood in faith over Jack
Isaiah 55:9-11 His ways are higher and His word does not return void or empty, His Word is that ran that comes down, and the rain causes the seed to burst forth, it is His rain and His seed, BUT we must plant it, He is not going to do that for us
Mark 4:26-29 the earth or our heart brings forth fruit, spoken at Jack & Terri’s wedding
We are to live by faith, and God is still sovereign over that, our part is to live by faith