#5 Fruit of the Spirit - Anger Pt. 1
Foundations Sunday School
Fruit of the Spirit - Part 5
Application to Anger
Previous Homework
Search your Bible for references to anger.
How would God have us deal with anger?
How does walking in the Spirit relate to anger?
Write down an “adoration,” adoring God for the Holy Spirit and how He
ministers to us.
De ning Anger
“Our anger is our _________ ___________ _________ ____________
of negative ________ ___________ against ___________ ________.”1
Test of Righteous Anger
1. Accurate Perception of Evil
2. Motivated by God’s Glory
3. Godly Response
Robert Jones. “Uprooting Anger.”
Foundations Sunday School
Three Kinds of Anger
- Choose a few “biblical snapshots” of anger. Consider where they went
wrong. What heart dynamics were at play? What was the root cause of
their anger? Was their response godly or ungodly?
Gen 4 - Cain
Gen 27 - Esau
Gen 30 - Jacob
Gen 37 - Joseph’s brothers
Num 22 - Balaam
1 Sam 20 - Saul
Jonah 4 - Jonah
Mt 2 - Herod
Lk 4 - Furious body of Jews
Acts 19 - Silver Workers
- Meditate on Divine anger. What fuels the re of God’s wrath? What sorts of
things ignite His anger? What motivates the Lord in His anger? How does
God respond in His anger?
Ex 15:8
Num 25
Deut 32 (esp. vv. 35-42)
Job 4:9
Ps 2, 7, 18
Is 1
John 3:36
Rom 1-3