The Greatest Love
Jesus is Love
Jesus is Love
Basic Bible Study | John 2:23–3:21
John 2:23–3:21
Nicodemus went to Jesus after dark, living in the shadows. There are many people who live in the shadows that have great faith. We learn about the posture of Nicodemuses heart 1. by the way he addresses Jesus. He refers to him as Rabbi. Putting Jesus in the proper place in status in his life. 2. it speaks to Nicodemuses faith in God was genuine heart faith. It was not so much about position but about God.
Nicodemus asked genuine questions. He wasn't trying to goad Jesus, he was curious. He was trying to understand what Jesus was teaching him but it made no sense. There are many people we will come across who are in the position of Nicodemus- His heart was ready. He was curious. He was open to learning something. He risked his life to meet with Jesus.
Jesus responded to the Jewish teacher in a very uique way didn't he? The Jewish teacher who was responsible for teaching people truth and he didn't understand the things Jesus was telling him. I wonder if this broke the heart of our Father. The ones he put in charge to lead people into all areas of truth and righteousness and they didn't get the truth of grace. They didn't understand mercy.
Moses lifting up the bronze snake in the wilderness has great signifincance for us
parrell - the Israelites half way through their time in the wilderness. They are grumbling and questioning Moses and the Lord. The Lord decides he has heard enough and he sends a plauge of serpents on them. The Israelites confess and then God gives Moses the solution place a bronze snake on a pole and then when people look to the bronze snake on the pole they will be saved and live. We need to live in this world and we will be bitten, but when we look to the one on the cross we will be saved. It required faith in the wilderness and it requires faith now to be saved.
Talk about vs. 16-17
Some people run to the light and walk in it and others fear the light because they don't want their sins exposed. But when we understand the grace of God just a tiny bit, we don't mind sharing those things that He saved us from.
John 2:23–3:21
Jesus and Nicodemus have a special bond of friendship. So special in fact Nicodemus burys Jesus when he is taken off the cross .
John 2:23–3:21
Numbers 21 :9 a very relevent passage. Jesus refers to the passage. When Jesus is talking about this event it sounds like he was there and saw it transpire. He spoke so matter of factly.
John 2:23–3:21
As I look at all the cross references of this story, almost 1000, I am reminded that the bible is revealing itself conitnually. The word became flesh. This is my hope.
John 2:23–3:21
The relivance of this scripture to today is alarming isn't it. Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. The evil running rampant in our world right now is out of control yet I am confident that I am still living I will see the goodness of the Lord. Wait patiently for the Lord, I say wait paitently for the Lord.
John 2:23–3:21
Our heart posture towards God determines how we hear God.
John 2:23–3:21
It is still true today. Our heart posture before God determines how we hear God.
John 2:23–3:21
What is my heart posture before God? As a leader it it important for me to keep my heart bowed before the Lord. It is important for me to be in the word of God every day. And like Nicodemus I need to talk with Jesus. I need to listen to his words and be open to hearing them, even if it means I need to change my thinking.
John 2:23–3:21
When we do life together it is important to remember that we follow after Jesus not man. Like Nicodemus we must seek God and we also need to remember this will look differently for all people. Some people will only come in the evening because that is when they feel safest to do so.
John 2:23–3:21
The struggle with sin, the struggle with eternal life, the struggle peer pressure.
John 2:23–3:21
To love like Nicodemus. To go agaisnt the grain to follow after Jesus.