Taste and See
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· 11 viewsTrusting in God and being able to receives his blessings requires faith and Action from us
The five senses
The five senses
Becareful how you Talk to God
Becareful how you Talk to God
We some times talk to God as if He is some magician that can be bribed or bought
as a genie that if we rub the lamp the right way he will answer our prayer
we try to bargin with God to get what we want
Oh how disappointed we are when the curtain falls - we have this thought this imagery of God as the wizard of OZ
Becareful the words we use when we talk to God
Becareful the words we use when we talk to God
often we tend to make excuses like Moses and God has to remind us.
but more than that in our prayers or asking of God we use the simple word “IF”
what a dangerous word that is when talking to God when not used correctly
Lets look at Jesus being tempted in the Wilderness
Lets look at Jesus being tempted in the Wilderness
If you are the son of God command this stones to become bread. Jesus was hungry so the Devil tempted him with food.
What is it that we want that we tempt God with. God IF you want me to go follow you give me a spouse. Find me a better job. If you want me to pay tithe you have to give me more money.
Becareful of the word IF
2nd temptation
2nd temptation
Jesus was at the right hand of God in Heaven - he had power and authrority. So the Devil tempted him with power here on earth. If you will then worship me.
V 8 You shall worship the lord your God and Him only shall you serve..
What are the things that we worship instead of God. Lord IF you give me this promotion, I will know that its you and I will follow you. Lord if you get me into this school, Lord if you get my grades up, Lord if you will get me That job. I will follow up.
Becareful of the word if.
3rd Temptation
3rd Temptation
The Devil then took Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple - v9
Jesus replied v12
You shall not put the Lord to the test.
How often do we live our life recklessly and then pray to God for help. We are speading down the fast lane of life and have the odasisty to pray to God to keep us safe.
Maybe its drugs and alchool -
Maybe it is the way we drive
Maybe its the way we treat people
Time and time again we get in trouble, we get sick, we get in a spot that we shouldt be in and we say GOD IF you remove this from my life, If you send your angels to save me. IF you get me out of this. I will follow you and never ask anything of you again.
The Right way to use if
The Right way to use if
luke 22:42 Father - If you are willing, remove this cup form me, nevertheless, not my will but yours be done.
Jesus used the word if - but Look how he used it. Yes he asked God for something, but not in exchange for anything else.
He didnt say if you remove my trials, if you remove my pain, if you remove my sickness - I will continue to be your servant.
He simply asked for the removable, and then said but not my will yours be done. I will “CONTINUE” to serve you no matter what.
v43 Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and stregthned him.
v44 he then prayed more even in agony, even while swat like blood fell from his body. He Continued to serve God and Gods purpose.
How can we be like this
How can we be like this
lets go back to Psalms 34
lets read a few other versues
V1 his praise shall continually be in my mouth
v4 I sought the Lord - search for him call to him
v10 those who seek the Lord lack no good thing - do you SEEK him or do you just call him when you need something
v14 Turn away from evil and do good
v22 The Lord redeems the life of his servants - none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemed
Oh taste and See
Oh taste and See
Psalms 34:8
Back to our senses - Touch, sight, smell, hearing, and taste.
God wants us to bring Him into our lives, into our souls we have to invite him in and TASTE him.
Taste gives us the full experience, I can look at a meal at a restaurant, I can see it, I can touch it I can even hear the chef making it, but until I taste the meal for myself. I dont know what I am missing.
I can see God move in the lives of others
I can hear their testimonies
But If i dont bring God into my life , If I dont taste and see for myself. I wont get the full experience.
Will you today Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD
will you invite him into your heart.
Will you stop tempting God with your prayers and instead humble yourself unto God and ask Him for His will to be done in your life.
Will you take the advice of the Psalmist
Pslalms 34:13-14
or are you like the ones in vs 16 who do evil and the memory of them will be cut off from the earth.
Jesus is calling you today - will you answer -
Your order is ready, Jesus is the Chef and he has prepared a marvelous meal for you. You can see it, you can hear him, but if you are not willing to taste it, you wont get the full experience.
Will you taste the Love of God today.